Grounded Petals

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Grounded Petals - as indicated by the name, are Cherry Trees petals lying on the ground. They are spawned at the start of the world and can spawn while cutting a Cherry/Cheerful Tree. They can be looted without tool to get 1 Petal or with a Shovel to get 1-3 loots between Petals, Twigs and Blossoms.

Grounded petals can have 5 level of density. Each time a grounded petals is spawned while cutting a tree, it grow from one stage. When the tree fall, 1 to 3 new grounded petals spot (depending of the tree stage) will appear. Player can give petals to the grounded petals to give them 1 stage, while picking them up will retrieve 1 stage and digging will retrieve 2.

One stage disappear every 6 days. This can be prevent by using a Cherry/Cheerful Blossom or Beeswax on a grounded petals.

Except for the the cheerful variant, grounded petals will change with the season. Only the Beeswax can prevent this effect to happen.

Grounded petals have 1% chance to be blooming when spawning. Digging them will loot the Petals Turf Bloomprint.

Filler.png Trivia

  • Grounded petals spawned by the world generation are not affected by the perish timer.
  • The pick up action will not be show if grounded petals are waxed.
    • Waxed grounded petals will also only give petals if dig with a shovel.
  • Giving blossoms to a grounded petals will also put it at max stage.