Rose Hips

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Rose Hips are fruits collected exclusively during Summer from Wild Rose Bushes found in the Cherry Forest.

They are a required Crock Pot ingredients for Rose Biscuits, a slow spoiling recipe with excellent sanity restoration values.

Rose Hips should also be harvested to prevent them to spoils on the bushes which cause Fruit Flies to spawn, both the fruits and flies are gone when Summer ends.

Roasted Rose Hips

Roasted Rose Hips are produced by cooking Rose Hips on a fire for a slight hunger improvement but more importantly to negate the health and sanity loss caused by eating them raw. They can also be used in the Crock Pot for equal properties.

Icon Tools.png Usage

Rose Hips.png
Fire Pit.png
Roasted Rose Hips.png
Rose Hips.png
Pig Icon.png
Rose Hips.png
Crock Pot.png
Rose Biscuits.png