Celestial Tools

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Celestial Tools is a mod released on April 2021 made by ADM and Notka. It adds a large collection of Items and Structures made of Moon Shards and other lunar materials.

All the new items can be found in the Celestial Filter, accessible near Lunar Altars or the Celestial Orb after the Celestial Champion is defeated, at the exception of the crafting recipe for the Moonroad or Fiberglass Net, found in the Decorations Filter at a Prestihatitator, or Brightsmithy respectively.

There are a few other Quality of Life features added, including:

  • A new fish and source for Moon Rocks
  • Stackable Moon Rock Idols
  • A new Crock Pot Recipe
  • More abilities for the Enlightened Crown

Moon Glass Idol

WX-78 Portrait.png


The Moon Glass Idol is a consumable item used to reset a character's Skillset When used, the player will be washing away, then reappear shortly with all their Insight unspent so that it can be reconfigured on the spot without the need to despawn at the Celestial Portal.

Characters without any Skillset or that haven't learned any perk yet cannot use the Moon Glass Idol.

When a player approach the idol, it will start to emit particles, similar to how the Moon Rock Idol does when nearing the portal.

Moon Glass Shovel

Wendy Portrait.png
No stump shall be spared.


The Moon Glass Shovel is a tool that creates a short quake when digging, anything identical to the original thing dug up (or all stumps if it is one) in a 1.5 tile radius will be dug as well for a single use.

This effect can save a lot of time despite the low durability of the shovel when clearing clusters of trees, removing weeds, or any other situations with elements tight from each others.

Glass Wacker

Wanda Portrait.png
Great, this saves me time and space.


The Glass Wacker is a hybrid tool of both a Hammer and Pickaxe, being able to both hammer and mine respectively just like a Brightshade Smasher but with notable differences in the stats:

  • Better efficiency (x2.5 vs x1.33)
  • Accessible without Lunar Rifts enabled, and common materials (Hammer and Moon Shards vs Pure Brillance and Brightshade Husks)
  • Worse durability (60 vs 600 + repairable)
  • Worse total damage (34 vs 32.5 + 10 planar)

Throughout progression, the Glass Wacker's efficiency will remain the highest of all picks and hammers. This tool is best used to do quick work of areas with many things to destroy. So to clear meteor fields from all rocks, break down Marble Shrubs, or Ruins from Broken Clockworks, statues, and walls.

Crafting and maintaining a steady supply of Glass Wackers will compensate for their low durability and requirement for Lunar Altars in early game. So it would be a good idea keep old basic hammers to then be recycled into Glass Wackers all at once.

Moon Glass Rake

Wilson Portrait.png
Rise, my soil, riiise!


The Moon Glass Rake is a tool used like Garden Hoes. Raking in a garden will cause all old collapsed Farm Soil in a 0.75 tile radius to return to a plantable state. The idea of this tool is not only to make replanting easier after the first harvest, but also to keep in place a specific layout for planting.

As Weeds tend to grow passively in unoccupied gardens, they will typically cause layouts to become less and less precise overtime as collapsed soil will be removed and created around. But a well maintained garden or some tweaking to the layout with a standard hoe will allow rakes to restore any previously used layout indefinitely.

Moon Fork

Wurt Portrait.png
To poke the ground harder.


The Moon Fork is a tool used as a Pitchfork capable of digging turfs in a cross pattern, so 5 per use, all moved right under the player's feet.

Lunar Sipholocator Staff

Wortox Portrait.png
What mortals need sometimes...


The Lunar Sipholocator Staff is a magical item that allows players to teleport themselves at the Mysterious Energy or Lunar Siphonator. If used close enough from these targets, the player will instead be teleported back to their old location if they have one, allowing for easy ins and outs to the Lunar Island and Mainland.

During the teleportation, players will flick away in the same fashion than Wagstaff and be put to sleep for 2 seconds. The player will then reappear and wake up at their destination with 5 seconds of grogginess.

If the Lunar Sipholocator Staff is used without a Mysterious Energy / Lunar Siphonator present in the world, the player will be electrified and take 10 damage.

Moon Suit

Willow Portrait.png
It feels so cold to wear, ugh!


The Moon Suit is an armor with 750 durability and a base protection of only 30%. When worn, the player also gains +100 sanity max to fill. The protection of the Moon Suit increases with the sanity percent of the wearer: matching it from 30% to 90% max.

Since the armor will absorb more damage at high sanity, its durability will also drop considerably more per hits than it would with less protection.

The extra max and 5.5/min sanity regeneration of the Moon Suit makes it especially good when paired with the Celestial Crown to allow a lot more Gestalts to summoned.

When the Moon Suit is unequipped or breaks, the extra sanity from it will be removed (even if another Moon Suit is equipped right after) but just like when it is first equipped, the actual sanity from the wearer will not be lowered under the original max sanity, so this will usually allow to return to full sanity or at least a better percentage if initially low on sanity.

Moon Chest

Waxwell Portrait.png
Ah, green is the color of... my belongings.

–Maxwell, When examining a Moon Chest unlocked with a Green Moonlens

The Moon Chest is a storage structure acting as a multitude of Chests in one. They are locked by default, but when a Moonlens of any color is dropped or displayed on a Lens Beacon, all nearby Moon Chests will reveal a 9 slots compartment of this color and can now be opened.

A Blueprint from the Lunar Altars is required to be able to craft Moon Chests. Wearing the Enlightened Crown allows for long range and instantaneous interactions.

Only a single dropped Moonlens can be interacting with nearby Moon Chests at a time, it must be picked up in order to change to a different comportment or lock them back. While active, the Moonlens will emit a wavy glow and all affected chests will have a small gem of the respective color showing on their lock.

Moon Chests can be upgraded with the Elastispacer to gain infinite stacksize slots, and W.O.B.O.T. is also capable of depositing and sorting items in any of their compartments even if they are currently inaccessible.

Lens Beacon

Webber Portrait.png
It can hold more eyes than us. Unless...


The Lens Beacon is a deployable structure with 9 slots that can hold Moonlenses, the first Moonlens in position will be displayed on the beacon and on the map.

Players can also "Toggle" to the next Moonlens in position by interacting with the beacon. Wearing the Enlightened Crown allows for long range and instantaneous interactions.

Using Lens Beacons considerably improve the usage of Moon Chests by allowing faster switching between the chests' rooms, with a 40% larger radius for interactions with Moonlenses and keep them all in a single, tidy spot.

When placing a Lens Beacon or a Moon Chests near other beacons, a deploy helper will show up to indicate their Moonlens interaction radius.


Woodie Portrait.png
Though we were supposed to remain outta here now.

–Woodie, When examining a Stormbringer in the Moonstorm

The Stormbringer is a structure with a Lighting Rod shape that attempts to focus the next Moonstorm within the biome it is located. Each Stormbringer placed has 75% chance to successfully redirect the Moonstorm, their position within the biome has no importance, but multiple rods will increase the odds for the focusing to work.

A Blueprint from the Lunar Altars is required to be able to craft Moon Chests.

While they can be placed anywhere, Stormbringers only work in places the Moonstorm can happen, so it has no effect in Caves, the Moon Quay, etc...

Hammering a Stormbringer while under the Moonstorm will cause the player to take 10 electric damage but it can still be destroyed and be done safely by wearing insulating clothes.

Enlightened Round

Walter Portrait.png
These hurt pretty badly... well, from certain angles!


Enlightened Rounds are Slingshot ammunition for Walter. They deal 51 damage and have the same effect as the Enlightened Crown: summoning a small Gestalt to attack the target for 42.5 damage if the player has over 85% of its sanity, costing 1 sanity per shot.

Because of the small delay of the Gestalt before it hits, and that it is for ranged combat, fast moving creatures will typically manage to avoid the Gestalt as they chase Walter. Enlightened Rounds are better used against stationary and slow enemies, or paired with Slow-Down Rounds. Having followers to fight the target can also cause them to keep the aggro on themselves so that they don't move so much.

The effect of the Enlightened Crown stacks with the ammo so 2 Gestalts can be shot at once, costing 2 sanity per shot.


Wigfrid Portrait.png
The road to the moon.


The Moonroad is a craftable hard Turf that increases movement speed by 30% just like Cobblestones and no additional effect but a distinguishable Moon Rocks design and reverberating walking sound.

Another notable difference is its tile rendering priority. Cobblestones always show under other turfs but the Moonroad has a relatively high priority: right under Ancient Stonework from the Archive so natural Turfs will be showing under it.


Warly Portrait.png
What a shame... I would kill for some regular salmon.


The Salmoon is a fish that can be caught with Freshwater Fishing Rods in Vitreoasis' pools and in Hot Springs that have been Bath-bombed.

The density of Salmoons population per fishing spots are:

  • 2 available immediately after Bath-bombing a Hot Spring. Can repopulate up to 3 with 1 added every 100 seconds.
  • 2 in small and 3 in large Vitroases. One repopulates every 400 seconds.

Salmoons are inedible but will drop 1 Moon Rock on death. This makes them one of the most reliable source for Moon Rocks in dedicated locations.

Fishing for Salmoons in Hot Springs while awaiting them to form Moon Shards remains efficient throughout progression. In the Lunar Grotto, fishing sessions are relatively safe until Nightmare Ramparts emerge, but wearing a Bone Helm will prevent Shadow Creatures from attacking the player without angering the Greater Gestalts to keep fishing safely again.

Deep Fried Carrat

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Tsk. It didn't jump on it's own, did it?


The Deep Fried Carrat is a food item cooked in the Crock Pot by adding a Carrat, there are no other requirement or restrictions to the recipe and has a high priority.


Carrat Item.png
Crock Pot.png
Deep Fried Carrat.png


Carrat Item.png
Crock Pot.png
Deep Fried Carrat.png
Carrat Item.png
Koalefant Trunk.png
Crock Pot.png
Deep Fried Carrat.png
Have 50% to result into a Fig-Stuffed Trunk

The Deep Fried Carrat is a reference to the meme of rat always jumping into the fastfood deep fryer.