Ember Favor

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Ember Favor is a mod released on February 2023 made by ADM and Notka. It adds an event manually triggered by players inside of their base for a challenge.

Completing it will grant a powerful permanent buff greatly reducing Crock Pots cooking time.


Warly Portrait.png
Wasn't it a good time for a banquet?

–Warly, when the event starts

To trigger the event, a player must have 9 Crock Pots to cook something simultaneously in close proximity. We will call this setup the "kitchen". Preferably done a circular shape to allow simple navigation but there is no specific rules as long as the Crock Pots are about ~4 tiles close from each others. Portable Crock Pots and other pots can be used.

Once the last Crock Pot starts cooking, a fiery ring will surround the whole kitchen, all pots used will be locked, their coal pile will burn bright and they will soon start to spew Embers.

All players caught inside the kitchen radius must now remain inside it and survive for a whole minute, avoiding the Embers falling. If any player dies or leaves the kitchen, the event will be lost and ends itself.

When the event is over, all Crock Pots will finally unlock, reveal their meal and cool down. All participators will also be granted an Ember Favor is succeeded. The event can be retried as many times as desired as long as a participator does not have the Ember Favor buff applied, otherwise, it will no longer trigger.


Embers are projectiles launched by the different Crock Pots during the Ember Favor event. Each one of them dealing a 30 damage AOE when impacting the floor and can have one of two behaviors:

  • Launched on a random position within the kitchen
  • Launched on the position of a player

From the 9 Embers launched in a single event tick, only 1 will specifically target a player. The Crock Pots will burst between ~2 to 4 Embers each seconds (as 1 tick happens randomly every 0.3 sec to 0.8 sec) at different speed and potential elevation before falling.

Embers make a small but very bright light right under them so they can be seen to predict their landing zone and be avoided, especially during Dusk or Night so the event is better performed late. Because of their targeting and numbers, Embers can quickly become overwhelming, the event should be attempted with multiple armor pieces and healing foods for better odds of outliving it.

Ember Favor

Wigfrid Portrait.png
A boon for our fulfillment.


The Ember Favor is an edible item, only obtained through the previous event.

When consumed, players gain the Ember Blessing buff permanently, cutting all cooking time of Crock Pots by 70%. Ember particles and burning bright coals will also show on the pots when cooking.

Changing of character at the Celestial Portal will not remove the blessing, but this can be disabled in the configs and allows to repeat the event.

Filler.png Trivia

  • Ember Favor was inspired by The Torch God event from Terraria.
  • The large fiery ring on the floor of the kitchen is a red, burning Gnaw with flames instead of teeth in its mouths. So there is some devine entity against the players in this event too.
  • In the Cookbook, an entry for the Ember Favor will fill itself after the event completion.
    • A bunch of random fake recipe examples for the favor will be listed under the entry but they all share in common a Gold Nugget and Gnaw's Favor.
      • The coins in the cup of the Ember Favor are in fact just boiling hot Gnaw's Favors.