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Wolfgang Portrait.png
Makes monsters nice with Wolfgang.


The Pacifier is a Structure that has the ability to pacify a mob that enters its range (4 turfs around). Players only have access to this craft while being assisted by the Dayliling Bud if she previously learned its Bloomprint.

Creatures caught cease to fight and the Pacifier will lock on the pacified target to prevent future attacks while active and in range, such as a Hound attacking a player, a Pig attacking a Spider, or a Tree Guard attacking a wall and so on...

Once the pacifier is locked on its target, no other creature will be pacified from attacking so multiple pacifiers are required if there are multiple hostilities occurring. However mobs in range of a Pacifier will never attack walls or fences, even if they are locked on a different target.

Attacking a pacified mob will crack its Pacifier, cancelling the effect and enter a 12 seconds cooldown before it can reactivate, or a 4 seconds cooldown if the locked mob only goes out of range. Cracked Pacifiers will reactive themselves once the cooldown ends or by repairing them using a single piece of Moon Rock.

It can also be turned off and on while operating to restore hostilities if desired.

Filler.png Trivia

  • It takes 8 Hammer strikes to break a pacifier while active, or a single strike if it is turned off or on cooldown.
  • Since most bosses have the ability to break walls just by walking over them, the pacifier is only efficient against Moose/Goose or flying ones if the goal is to protect your walls from giants.

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