Cheerful Chester

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Cheerful Chester is a special transformation for Chester and the Eyebone performed at the Cherry Stone by touching it while carrying the Eyebone and filling the yet to be transformed Chester with a Cherry Gem in each slot.

The transformation can be done at any time and regardless of the moon phase as long as the Cherry Stone is full in order to interact with it. Completing it will as usual consume the gems but will also place the Bloomprint of the Friendship Necklace within Chester for the Dayliling Bud to learn.

The transformation is also lost when Chester dies.


The Cheerful transformation widely affects Chester and its storage :

  • Animals (birds, butterflies, etc...) are no longer scared of Chester.
  • Stored creatures including Spores, but also Moongleams does not perish.
  • The Friendship Necklace and Friendly Stone recharges within the storage.


  • This transformation is very useful to carry Butterdragons since they don't need to be fed which are used for refuelling the Cherraduceus and so benefit of its enhanced speed boost for longer. It is however essential to note that Chester and other pets that follows items in the inventory does not count as direct followers.
  • Cheerful Chester is the slowest but also the only portable charging source for the Thermal Stone's friendly fire state and Friendship Necklace, allowing a simple maintain of both items on the go making them worth using in combat.

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