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Royal Dart

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Is Wolfgang's fancy lucky dart.


The Royal Dart is a craftable ranged weapon. When used, it cause 60 damage to the target and force it to drop a random item from its loot. Players only have access to this craft while being assisted by the Dayliling Bud if she previously learned its Bloomprint.

Since mobs have different kinds of loot tables, the chance to drop a specific item with Royal Darts is variable but easy to understand, Royal Darts does not take in account drop rates but each item that can be looted have equal chances, here are some examples :

  • Pig : 25% Pig Skin or 75% Meat
    • Dart : 50% Pig Skin or 50% Meat
  • Werepig : 1 Pig Skin + 2 Meats
    • Dart : 33% Pig Skin or 66% Meat
  • Butterfly : 2% Butter or 98% Butterfly Wings
    • Dart : 50% Butter or 50% Butterfly Wings
  • Butterdragon : 2% Butter or nothing
    • Dart : 100% Butter

Royal Darts can only be used once on the same target before exhausting the effect and only cause damages afterward. In addition, things that can "die" multiple times have specific rules :

  • Lureplants will not duplicate unless they freshly spawned, this won't work on re-planted ones.
  • The Ancient Fuelweaver will only duplicate its loot once per cycle, it must be killed manually in order to re-allow another use of the dart, letting it disable the gate by itself will not work.

Mimic Dart

Wanda Portrait.png
What could go wrong? Let me tell you!


The Mimic Dart is a craftable ranged weapon, but unlike other darts 2 are obtained per craft. When used, it replicate the damage and effect of a random craftable dart. Players only have access to this craft while being assisted by the Dayliling Bud if she previously learned its Bloomprint.

When haunted as a ghost, Mimic Darts have 25% chance to turn one dart of the stack into a randomly selected specific dart forever.

Filler.png Trivia

  • Royal Darts can allow to drop normally non-renewable items such as Fossil Fragments.
  • Or gain access to very rare equipments, like a Krampus Sack, with considerably less luck involved.
  • Mimic Darts are to be used carefully as they could do a lot of collateral damage if a Fire Dart is spewed in a flammable area.
  • Any modded dart with a crafting recipe can be shot from Mimic Darts.