Friendship Necklace

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Willow Portrait.png
Not the warmest but it makes the cuddliest of flame!

–Willow, when examinating a Friendship Necklace.

The Friendship Necklace is a craftable Amulet Item. It requires 4 Gold Nuggets, 4 Cherry Blossoms and 2 Cherry Gems. Players only have access to this craft while being assisted by the Dayliling Bud if she previously learned its Bloomprint.

When worn, the amulet will summon its Friendly Fire that follows the owner and drains the amulet charges for 1% every 4.2 seconds for a total duration of 7 minutes, however the amulet will remain at 0% but its Friendly Fire will extinguish until it is recharged.

Placing the amulet inside Cheerful Chester, around the Cherry Stone or a Friendly Fire Pit will quickly restore its charges at different rates. Rain will also impact the drain and restoration speed of the amulet due to its follower being a fire itself.

Friendly Fire

For the Fire Pit upgrade, see Friendly Fire Kit.
Walter Portrait.png
I always wanted to make friends with a fire fighter!

–Walter, when examinating a Friendly Fire.

They are small spirits made of flames of the same name that can be summoned by their respective Friendship Necklace while equipped. They will follow the wearer and cast growing area spells under an attacker targeting any players around them.

They use the same spell methods as the Watchers. Each spell last 30 seconds by default and the Friendly Fire enters a 20 second cooldown before they can cast a new one if there isn't any spell around their target.

The spell used is determined by the Friendly Fire remaining charges, it can be visualized by their appearance or amulet durability :

  • While under 50%, the spell will affect any mob entering its range with a weakness debuff reducing direct damage by 50%, attacks dealt by affected mobs will reduce the spell duration by 10 seconds, meaning it will last for a maximum of 3 hits before the spell starts to fade away.
  • Starting at 50%, the spell has the same weakness effect with a slightly larger area, a brighter red color and in addition of that the damage dealt by affected mobs will heal their target instead, however, the spell will start to fade away after a single attack. Armors do reduce the healing effect on top of the 50% weakness. This can be used as a powerful heal against strong enemies if used properly.

Like any Watcher's spell, the effects last until the targets exit the area or when the spell entirely disappeared.

In addition of being supports in combat, Friendly Fires are effective to restore sanity with their +25/min aura, especially toward Willow since they count as an actual fire for her sanity regeneration bonus. They also emit a small light colored after their own, which is unique to each Friendly Fire that they will keep, players can recolor their Friendly Fires by giving them Colorflies.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Players don't need to stay inside of the spells' radius but the attackers must be inside it in order to weaken them or reverse their damage for healing, paying attention to the placements is vital for the latest for better use.

Filler.png Trivia

  • Friendly Fires will start dancing if their player is dancing too.
  • Just like the Friendly Fire Pit, those are neutral flames and cannot be used to cook, dry or warm up.
  • Friendly Fires learned to use the Watcher's spells since they are initially the flames that reside within their lanterns.
  • The rain durability loss is active by the weather and not by the player wetness.
  • When given a black Colorfly (Pansies), it will look like th Friendly Fire no longer emit light at first glance but it still does.