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Shoetime is a mod released on January 2024 made by ADM, Notka, and XenoMind. It consists of many equippable items for an equipslot dedicated to Shoes.

These become available from crafting and / or shopping throughout interactions with Morel, a shopkeeper residing in a Set Piece found in any Swamp biomes. It will automatically retrofit in existing worlds.

There are 18 Shoes available in Shoetime, all with unique effects related to the player's movement or stats enhancers.


Winona Portrait.png
I can't work on an empty stomach either.

–Winona, when examining Morel without arms

Living in a boot behind his personal Cobbler Bench, Morel is capable of crafting shoes for players. But to do so he must be fed first, for up to 75 of Hunger value. He will then grow a pair of arms which allow him to work until he becomes hungry again, either passively or by making too many shoes (5 max if done quickly). He then cough and loose his arms once more.

This swamp dweller might seem too much of a goodie two-shoes but he could prove anyone a most honorable devotion to a job!(!)

All he would ask for is a mouthful in exchange of his services in footwear craftsmanship.

-Scrapbook Description

While Morel's shop is open, players can browse the list of shoes available at the Cobbler Bench, this behaves like a crafting station but it cannot be operated without his help. Morel is very talkative and will chat or inform players of a few things based on his mood and other specific interactions :

  • Upon crafting shoes, there is a 20% that he will gift a kit of Shoe Shine. This can only happen once a day.
  • And once players have proven to be good customers, Morel will give away free Blueprints so that players can learn to make their own Cobbler Benches to craft Shoes and Shoe Shine without his help.
    • This will happen for any player without the recipe, after at least 10 pairs of shoes were made. Feeding Cappy his snack will also contribute to this goal.

Morel is fine about eating anything players can eat too. His favorite food is the Froggle Bunwhich, they grant an extra 15 Hunger and special dialogues.


Wickerbottom Portrait.png
An expert in survival of the Caviidae family.


Morel's own capybara pet. Cappy behaves like a simple Critter. Players can pet and fed him and he may play with other Critters around. Cappy will typically wander around the swamp nearby the shop and follow players from a distance.

Players can prepare a Cappy's Snack only at Morel's Cobbler Bench even while the shop is closed. Doing so is essentially just a nice gesture but it will also contribute to Morel friendship progression. The snack can also be fed to Beefalos and restore 37.5 Hunger, 30 HPs, 15 Sanity, and spoils in 15 days.

Cut Reeds.png
Cut Reeds.png
Cut Reeds.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Cappy Snack.png

Cobbler Bench

Wilson Portrait.png
It's my turn to make shoes for the lost soles.

–Wilson, when examining a player's bench

The Cobbler Bench is a crafting station used to make the various items of Shoetime. The one at Morel's shop and others owned by players have subtle differences :

  • Morel's Bench :
    • Shoes can only be crafted if Morel has arms
    • Allows to make Cappy's Snacks
    • Usage may result in a free Shoe Shine each day
  • Player's Bench :
    • Requires no food
    • Allows to craft Shoe Shine kits
    • Can burn and be destroyed

In order to craft a Cobbler Bench, players must have obtained the Blueprints of it from Morel once they've requested enough shoes or fed plenty snacks to Cappy (10 of either in total).

Although there is a functional Glow Berry on the bench, providing a tiny amount of light while active, they are not required in the crafting recipe.

Shoe Shine

Waxwell Portrait.png
An honest and respectable exertion.


Mending a pair of shoes with Shoe Shine allows repairs regardless of the durability type: armors, wearing off, per uses and even spoiling. A kit of Shoe Shine has 4 uses, so its essentially a Sewing Kit but for Shoes as they cannot be sewed.

A single use of Shoe Shine repairs shoes for 5 days of durability, or 50 uses, or 300HP of armored ones.

Plated Boots

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
An ample ankle protection.


Simple armored shoes providing 40% protection with 400 durability. Plated Boots do not protect much by themselves but their lastly duration will allow other armor pieces to last longer since damage taken is split between all equipslots.

Cobblerbench Icon.png
Plated Boots.png

Running Shoes

Wilson Portrait.png
I knew science would make this happen one day!


While equipped, Running Shoes provide +10% movement speed outside of combat, +2 Sanity/min and last for 10 days.

After attacking the speed goes immediately away and will return progressively within 5 seconds.

Cobblerbench Icon.png
Running Shoes.png

Rain Boots

Walter Portrait.png
Don't step in anything funny without adequate footwear!


These shoes protect from Wetness by 50%, from Lightnings, have 60 Winter insulation and last for 15 days.

Players are also about 4 time less slippery with Rain Boots on, so it will take considerably longer to loose balance while walking on ice even with high movement speed.

Tentacle Spots.png
Tentacle Spots.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Rain Boots.png

Wet Socks

Willow Portrait.png
What the hell, Moe?!


A pair of socks that increase Wetness overtime up to 33%, and lowers sanity by -2/min.

Wet Socks spoil (or rather, melt) after 5 days, when it happens, the player gains +20 Wetness immediately.

They can also be used to extinguish fires for -1 day of durability.

Beefalo Wool.png
Beefalo Wool.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Wet Socks.png

Snow Shoes

Woodie Portrait.png
I could really use a chair and a fireplace with these.


Provide the wearer with 120 Winter Insulation and +3.3/Sanity per minute. Snow Shoes have 7 days durability.

Thick Fur.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Snow Shoes.png

Summer Sandals

Waxwell Portrait.png
I take it's Casual Friday already?


Provide the wearer with 120 Summer Insulation and +3.3/Sanity per minute. Summer Sandals have 7 days durability.



Cobblerbench Icon.png
Summer Sandals.png

Slurper Slippers

Wanda Portrait.png
I wasn't planning on stopping anyway.


While the wearer is in movement in darkness, Slurper Slippers will produce more and more light up to a radius slightly greater than a Torch. The light emitted will slowly decrease while standing, in lit places, or immediately come to an end when unequipped.

Their 2 days durability only drains while light is produced, its light radius and build-up also decreases as durability goes down. They also provide 60 Winter Insulation.

Slurper Pelt.png
Slurper Pelt.png
Light Bulb.png
Light Bulb.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Slurper Slippers.png

Marine Janes

Wendy Portrait.png
The only thing between me and the abyss.


While equipped, the wearer will be able to walk on water. Marine Janes have 2 minutes of durability, draining while over water as the "flying fish" on them flap their wings. Attacking over water will cause a considerable decrease of their durability momentarily, breaking within seconds if repeated so it's best to not engage in combats when in use.

Wetness will also quickly build up when walking on water but this can be reduced and stopped with the right clothes. They also provide 60 Summer Insulation.



Freshwater Fish.png
Freshwater Fish.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Marine Janes.png

Frog Legs

Wortox Portrait.png
I'm bouncing of excitement to try them!


By pressing "Use" on the Frog Legs in the inventory, the wearer will perform a long jump going 2.7 turfs away in the direction faced. Collisions to borders and entities will be disabled during the jump, allowing to pass through anything even gaps between lands, but a reckless jump could cause the player to drown when landing in water. Landing on void will also cause 20 non-lethal damage and to be kicked back on land.

Frog Legs have 30 uses and 35% Wetness Insulation. They also prevent any health penalty from drowning but items might still fall off the inventory and take 5 uses away.

Players are also able to automatically jump onto nearby Boats and other platforms twice as far with them.



Cobblerbench Icon.png
Frog Legs.png

Battle Booties

Webber Portrait.png
Our leaping attack is getting better and better.


After landing 3 melee attacks, the wearer's next attack will result in a 68 damage drop-kick AOE to all mobs forward, ignoring allies. Attacking from a drop-kick can be done from an increased distance and provides few invincibility frames while not landed.

Battle Booties have 100 use, loosing 1 per target hit.

Steel Wool.png
Steel Wool.png
Gold Nugget.png
Gold Nugget.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Battle Booties.png

Space Boots

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Prevents the influence of the moon gods.


With Space Boots equipped, the wearer is able to walk in areas that would turn their Sanity to Enlightenment without it flipping. So with them it's possible to have default sanity on the Lunar Island and Grotto, when standing on a Lunar Rift and such. This also works inside of the Moonstorm and permanent Full Moon nights.

They have 3 days worth of durability, only drained while preventing potential Enlightenment zones.

Moon Rock.png
Moon Rock.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Space Boots.png

Leafy Loafers

Wormwood Portrait.png
From Friends to Walkers


When attacked, the wearer will absorb all incoming damage and get pushed backward instead, with a 75% of landing of their feet, otherwise a very short stun will be applied until the character stands back.

This effect can only be triggered every 30 seconds with a visual indicator on the loafers even if they are unequipped, however, any non-absorbed attack with the loafers equipped will reduce their cooldown by a third so that they can be re-used earlier.

Leafy Loafers spoil in 3 days and provide 60 Summer Insulation.



Slurtle Slime.png


Cobblerbench Icon.png
Leafy Loafers.png

Riding Boots

Winona Portrait.png
Sharp, but it ain't hurting no hairy cow.


The Riding Boots provide 15% faster movement speed to mounted Beefalos or other steeds (Big Woby), and increase their domestication process by the same amount while riding and to any nearby Beefalos.

Mounting and dismounting is also considerably faster with Riding Shoes on and they will also prevent the player from being kicked-off from knockback attacks.

They have 5 days worth of durability, 60 Winter Insulation and 20% Wetness Insulation.

Beefalo Wool.png
Beefalo Wool.png
Gold Nugget.png
Gold Nugget.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Riding Boots.png

Sporous Skates

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Push with your legs to roll fast like Wolfgang!


Similarly to Running Shoes, Sporous Skates provide +20% movement speed but only outside of combat and another condition.

Red, Green, Blue

Each skate color will only work during a certain time of the day, the same to their respective Mushrooms :

  • Red for Day
  • Green for Dusk
  • Blue for Night

They have 5 days worth of durability which only drains while active. When Sporous Skates are working, wheels will come out of them and the player will start skating instead of the usual running animation.

Red Cap.png
Red Cap.png
Red Spore.png
Red Spore.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Red Sporous Skates.png
Green Cap.png
Green Cap.png
Green Spore.png
Green Spore.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Green Sporous Skates.png
Blue Cap.png
Blue Cap.png
Blue Spore.png
Blue Spore.png
Cobblerbench Icon.png
Blue Sporous Skates.png

Misery Skates

All 3 Sporous Skates can be combined into Misery Skates. They cannot be crafted from the Cobbler Bench but a Blueprint that has 50% chance of being dropped by Misery Toadstool.

Misery Skates have a constant 20% movement speed outside of combat, regardless of daytime, and up to 3 Spores can be stored into the skates, each spore will increase their movement speed by an extra 8% (out of combat too) but only if the spore's mushroom is matching the time of the day.

Spores spoil under 15 days in inventories, Misery Skates also last for 15 days while equipped.

Red Sporous Skates.png
Green Sporous Skates.png
Blue Sporous Skates.png
Shroom Skin.png
Blueprint (rare).png
Misery Skates.png

Palm Tongs

Wurt Portrait.png
Useless, florp.


A hidden pair that cannot be crafted. Palm Tongs can only be acquired from Ocean Debris, with a 5% chance of dropping as an extra item.

They have no durability, and absolutely no effect to survivors unless they are fully affected by the Moon Quay curse. While worn, Wonkey special running stance will occur immediately instead of requiring 3 seconds of continuous movement.

Unequipped the Palm Tongs without running for over three seconds will return Wonkey to basic walking.

Interface arrow right.png
Palm Tongs.png

Filler.png Trivia

  • There are many configurations in Shoetime to change the various stats of each shoes. Other configs from the "Prototyping" section change the way shoes can be acquired altogether for varied experiences:
    • "Alternative Crafts" changes it so Sporous Skates are only unlocked in the Clothing crafting filter after getting their Blueprints from Toadstool (matching the Funcap Blueprints looted on death). Marine Janes will also be acquired from a Blueprint in the Crabby Hermit's trades, and Space Boots will be only craftable at Lunar Altars.
    • "All Shoes" allow players to prototype shoes made at the Cobbler Bench instead of being restricted to the crafting station, the shoes will be found in a variety of crafting filters matching the effect. This does not affect Misery Skates or shoes changed from Alternative Crafts.

  • Certain shoes can be burned, this includes Running Shoes, Sporous Skates (except Misery Skates), Summer Sandals, Leafy Loafers, Riding Boots and Palm Tongs.

Plush Cherryling.png Mod Compatibilities

More shoes can be added from compatibilities with other mods. Shoetime provides all kinds of utilities, resources and a template mod to make shoes related features simple to create and modify.

The following mods provide new shoes and other elements for Shoetime:


  • Glass Slippers
    • Added by Celestial Tools, Glass Slippers essentially have the opposite effect of the Space Boots as they allow the wearer to keep their active Enlightenment anywhere.
    • They have 3 days of durability only consuming while they actively prevent the player from flipping back to Sanity.
      Moon Shard.png


      Cobblerbench Icon.png
      Glass Slippers.png
  • Protective Boots
    • Added by Rift Together, they provide the wearer with 25% protection to Radiation and from Wetness by 25%.
    • While worn, they have 5 days of durability.
      Gold Nugget.png
      Raritanium bar.png
      Pig Skin.png
      Pig Skin.png
      Cobblerbench Icon.png
      Shoes radiation.png
  • Hover Boots
    • Added by Rift Together, the hover boots grant +20% movement speed outside of combat. In addition the boots ignores most terrain obstacles such as spider webs, sinkholes, and slipping. The hover boots do not drain durability when worn. Instead the player is able to toggle the boots hover animation on and off. While activated, the boots last 1 days worth of durability. During the hovering animation, the hover boots will provide a small amount of light to deter charlie but is not safe enough to comfortably navigate within the darkness.
    • Hover boots cannot be crafted immediately from the Cobbler Bench. Instead a Blueprint has a 10% chance of being dropped by digging through a junkpile.
    • With Uncompromising Mode active, the hover boots ignores bear traps.
      Shoes radiation.png
      Slurper Slippers.png


      Blueprint (rare).png
      Shoes hover.png


  • Lunar Spores can be captured with Celestial Tools using a Fiberglass Net, and can be stored in Misery Skates. These will provide the usual +8% movement speed regardless of daytime, although when the player is attacked, one Lunar Spore will slip out from the skates and prepare to explode.

Spools.png Skins