Wild Rose Bush

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Walter Portrait.png
I bet something cool will grow. Any time now...

–Walter, when examinating an empty Wild Rose Bush.

Wild Rose Bushes are Plants generated in certain red parts of the Cherry Forest. Like Birchnut Trees, their look and loot change with the seasons. They have a standard appearance during Autumn and more pointy edges and a blue-ish color in Winter. Flowers will grow once Spring starts which are replaced by Rose Hips during Summer. They takes 4 days for to regrow the flowers or fruits.

Colorflies can spawn on the Cherry Forest's flowers if there is a Wild Rose Bush nearby, however, if the bush has spoiled Rose Hips on it, they stop spawning and hostile Fruit Flies appear instead.

Players can chop down Wild Rose Bushes to get 1 Log plus the pickable resource on it, digging up the stumps give an additional log, but they are not renewable.

Spring :

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
It grows a lovely fragrance before bearing its fruits.

–Wickerbottom, when examinating a Wild Rose Bush with flowers.

The flowers can be harvested for Petals, however, keeping the flowers on the bushes allows a +25/min sanity aura near them.

Summer :

Winona Portrait.png
Better pick em' while it's fresh.

–Winona, when examinating a Wild Rose Bush with fruits.

Rose Hips are exclusively obtained from Wild Rose Bushes, but they will spoil in 8 days if they aren't harvested. The fruits' freshness is visible on the bush name and are collected with the same spoilage.

Bushes with fully spoiled Rose Hips gives Rot instead and have a -25/min insanity aura nearby, picking them allows the bush to grow more fresh Rose Hips later if there is enough time before Autumn.