Stone Lamp

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Wickerbottom Portrait.png
With enough water and time, rocky formations eventually grow.

–Wickerbottom, when examinating a growing Stone Lamp.

The Stone Lamp is a deployable Structure emitting light in a radius around it. It needs a Decorated_Log and 2 Cut Stone. Players only have access to this craft while being assisted by the Dayliling Bud if she previously learned its Bloomprint.

Despite being a structure, the Stone Lamp works like a Plant. It can't be destroyed with a hammer and has to be dug up to be moved. Doing so resets the growth but allows relocating it for free.

The Stone Lamp has 4 stages of growth. Each stage increases the time needed to grow to the next one, its light radius, and the perish time before the light fully goes off. The actual stage is displayed by the amount of bulbs grown on the Stone Lamp, these bulbs emit the light and turn off one by one with time. In order to grow, all of the bulbs must be on.

A Stone Lamp's light fully perish after 2, 6, 12 and 24 days, meaning a single light bulb goes off after 2, 3, 4 and 6 days. Planting a Stone Lamp close to the Cherry Stone will increase the total time before the light goes off by a maximum of 5 days, making the lamp last considerably longer within the Cherry Forest, but the effect might still apply for a day or few on the mainland based on the distance.

When at least one bulb is off, the Stone Lamp will be display as "Withered Stone Lamp". The player can water the Stone Lamp with Watering Cans, an Ice Flingomatic, or take advantage of Rain to refresh it to the maximum. If all the bulbs goes off, the Stone Lamp is not destroyed and can still be watered.

It take 2, then 4 and finally 6 days to grow each stage of the Stone Lamp, assuming the player waters it as soon as it withers to make it grow as quickly as possible.

Filler.png Trivia

  • Haunting a Stone Lamp will fully recharge it.
  • Stone Lamps usually grow on their own and stay fully lit on spring as it is raining very frequently.

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