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Flowers from the Cherry Forest replace the usual Flowers in the rest of the Constant. They give 5 sanity points and produce Petals when picked similar to other flowers but can also spawn a Butterdragon if picked during Spring.

Normal bees will turn into Hibeescus and infect their Beehive or Bee Box if they pollinate a flower from the Cherry Forest. This process grows a Ivyscus which can be burnt or shaved to disinfect the hive or used to grow Bloomy Honey.

Colorflies will spawn on those flowers if there is a Wild Rose Bush or a Bloom Banner nearby, as they carry the specie and color of the flower they spawn from, they can be captured and planted to grow a similar flower.

There is 10 different flowers species. The world starts with a single random flower species from the common flower list which will spawn and are naturally found all around the Cherry Forest in a variety of colors.

Common Flowers :

  • Flowerball (Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White)
  • Pansy (Black, Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow)
  • Poppy (Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White)
  • Primula (Black, Magenta, Pink, Red, White, Yellow)
  • Tulip (Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White)

Rare Flowers :

  • Heartflower (Blue, Cyan, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow)
  • Lys (Crimson, Orange, Purple, Red, White, Yellow)
  • Peacelily (Green, Pink, Purple, White)
  • Sugarcube (Blue, Pink, Yellow)

Special Flowers :

  • Farelily (Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Red White)

Players can plant Butterdragons to grow a random unlocked flower, extra flower species from the common and rare lists can be unlocked by killing the Hibees Queen, each flower provide a different Bloom Banner design and an unique buff to the queen.

Special flowers cannot be unlocked and only grow from Colorflies under special cases :

  • Farelily: The Dayliling Bud vanish into 5 random Farelily Colorflies on death.

Filler.png Trivia

  • Is it confirmed that both unlocking flower species and getting banners (not posts) will be made easier by adding other obtention sources than the Hibees Queen in the 1.7 update.
  • These flowers require less spacing to plant which can be used for advanced gardening and decorating by their look and colors, players can easily make good looking gardens as far as they use Colorflies to quickly mass produce the flowers they look for.
  • Players can use these flowers as a Butterdragon storing station to refuel their Cherraduceus as they spawn when the flower is picked during Spring.