Wooden Axe

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Webber Portrait.png
We might as well make the fruits fall before the tree itself.


The Wooden Axe is a Tool to cut trees at a slower speed. It require 2 Living Logs and 4 Twigs. Players only have access to this craft while being assisted by the Dayliling Bud if she previously learned its Bloomprint.

The Wooden Axe can be used as a weapon, dealing 13.6 damages per hit (like Lucy the Axe), and can also be use as Fuel in a Fire Pit. It as 1 000 uses, 2.5 times as many as the Luxury Axe but is effective only at 80%, meaning it need 7, 13 and 19 chops to fells a regular tree depending on their size, and 25 for a full grown Cherry Tree.

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  • The main utility of the Wooden Axe is to farm Cherries and Blossoms from the Cherry Trees. Since an item might drop each time the tree is chopped, allowing more opportunities to loot them.
    • This gets even more practical as Wes since he use tools less effectively.

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