Cherry Blossom

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Wendy Portrait.png
It's gently decaying, I like them.

–Wendy, when examinating a Cherry Blossom.

Cherry Blossoms are resources required in a multitude of Bloomprint crafts, like the Daylily Seed, Lilyhouse, Cherrycap, Friendship Necklace, Bloom-pots, and can also be refined into a Decorated Log when combined with a Cherry Gem and Living Log for other expensive crafts.

They are usually obtained while chopping Cherry Trees, especially when the trees are fully bloomed in late Spring but also from digging up their Grounded Petals all year round with shovels.

Cheerful Blossom

Wilson Portrait.png
It's my lucky day!

–Wilson, when examining a Cheerful Blossom.

Cheerful Trees have their own special blossom which can be obtained with the same frequency even in winter unlike normal Cherry Trees and on grounded cheerful petals, they are also used in a variety of Bloomprint crafts such as the Birdhouse, Floral Hedges and the Cherrycap.


Both types of blossoms can be applied on grounded petals to stop them from spoiling, increase their size to maximum, and hide the pick action by hand but shovels can still be used. Using Beeswax has the same preserving and action hiding effect but they will also keep their current look instead of changing with seasons.

Cherry Gem.png
Cherry Blossom.png
Cherry Blossom.png
Science Machine.png
Daylily Seed.png
Cherry Blossom.png


Dayliling Icon.png
Lilyhouse Icon.png
Cherry Blossom.png


Cheerful Blossom.png


Dayliling Icon.png
Cherry Gem.png
Cherry Gem.png
Gold Nugget.png


Cherry Blossom.png


Dayliling Icon.png
Friendship Necklace.png
Cherry Gem.png
Living Log.png
Cherry Blossom.png


Dayliling Icon.png
Decorated Log.png
Cherry Blossom.png
Cut Stone.png
Dayliling Icon.png
Cheerful Blossom.png


Dayliling Icon.png


Cheerful Blossom.png
Dayliling Icon.png
Floral Hedge.png


Prototype.png Tips

  • Blossoms can be stored in a Ice Box to slow spoilage, but a better solution in the long term would be to reserve them a special Bundling Wrap.