Nest Hat

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Wilson Portrait.png
A fine incubhator.


The Nest Hat is a Hat Item dropped by a dirty Watcher by cleaning it using a Clean Sweeper (25%) or on death (50%). While it wouldn't be considered an Armor, It gives 30% protection and has 112.5 Durability.

Players can place a single Egg inside to hatch it while the Nest Hat is equipped. This process takes a minimum of 5 minutes, averaging 10 minutes, but can take a lot more time if the player is unlucky. When it finally do, a small Bird (between Robin, Crow, Canary, Winter Bird, Chaffinch , Catbird) will fly away and drop 1 to 3 corresponding Feathers.

Unequipped the Nest Hat will pause the hatching. But taking at least 5 damage from an incoming attack or dropping it on the floor will break the egg.

If the egg is Blooming, hatching it will give the Birdhouse Bloomprint, but this can also be done by simply cooking the egg over a fire or letting it spoil.

Filler.png Trivia

  • The Nest Hat durability is only lost when taking damage, it can be used to hatch as many eggs as needed.
  • Tallbird Eggs and Lavae Eggs cannot be placed inside.
  • Back when Tallbird Nests weren't renewable, dropping a Nest Hat near a Tallbird with no nest would turn it into a Tallbird Nest, this is however no longer the case since Tallbirds now place nests when they lack one.

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