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There are special Trinkets to be found within the Cherry Forest with a difference in the obtention method. Few graves can eventually be found in the Groves which can drop standard Trinkets. But the Intrepid Adventurer's Novel and Worn Candle can only be found by using a shovel on Grounded Petals with a 0.1% chance of obtaining either among the Petals, Twigs or Blossoms.

Both of these trinkets are items hinted to be owned and carried by Wirlywings at the time she was transported to the Constant.

Intrepid Adventurer's Novel.png Intrepid Adventurer's Novel

Walter Portrait.png
To think I saw that book in the fiction section one day.


This adventure novel which is often referenced as a fairy tale by characters shows colorful pages depicting the Cherry Forest, it is signed by "W", an Intrepid Adventurer, same as Wheeler's title, a character from the Don't Starve Hamlet DLC. It can be traded to the Pig King for 4 Gold Nuggets.

Intrepid Adventurer's Novel.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


{{{1}}}px Worn Candle

Wigfrid Portrait.png
A flimsy flame fights back flimsy horrors.


This candle spent most of its wax and is all soaked, it is said to be of no use anymore by some characters but others more aware of its previous owner backstory give it a bit more credit. It can be traded to the Pig King for 6 Gold Nuggets.

Worn Candle.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


Filler.png Trivia

  • Both of these trinkets will be required items for different states of a construction site in the 1.7 update.
    • Other sources to obtain these trinkets will be added by the time to make them more likely to appear.