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They're my best friends!

–Wirlywings, without the usual humming

Wirlywings is a Character exclusive to Cherry Forest, who was released on December 7, 2018. Often named Wirly for short, she's a little girl with a big heart and supernatural skills at making friends. She developed an ardor to a specific fairy tale her whole childhood which later on saved her by altering the course of events as she was being brought into the Constant by a luring shadow.

Minimap Maxwell's Door.png Origin

Yet to be revealed.

Her whole story has been internally known for years now but due to the ongoing development of important parts, her lore would only make much more sense later at the release of the 1.7 update. - ADM

Wave.png Special Power

Cherryling wave.png Friendship

Wirlywings has the ability make friends easily by right clicking on herself to "Say Hi!" around mobs that can follow players. Befriending a mob by waving gives +5 sanity, they won't loose loyalty over time unless befriended by feeding. Waving no longer works after reaching 10 followers with infinite loyalty. Each follower regardless of the befriending method gives +5 sanity/min.

Wirlywings can befriend a large variety of creatures and has other reactions in other encounters :

  • Pigs, Bunnymans, Rock Lobsters, Cherrylings and others can be turned into infinite loyalty followers
  • Players : gives +15 sanity to everyone around and changes Wirlywings sanity loss back to normal for a full day and cannot wave at players again during that time.
  • Shadow Creatures (in combat) : loose 5 sanity, re-target Wirlywings and force them to teleport, this can be used to distract shadows, maintain insanity or take distance.

Critters also count toward Wirlywings sanity regeneration unless they are hungry. On top of that, the sanity bonus will be double if her critter has the Playful or Well-fed trait (Peppy / Plump).

Crock Pot.png Sharing with Players

Wirlywings have the ability to "Share Between Players" Crock Pot meals to players by eating around others. She always fully benefit of the food stats and other players will receive extra percent based on the amount of players benefiting of the effect (Wirlywings included). Meaning 1 player = 50% of the original stats, 2 players = 33%, etc...

Players will benefit of the hunger, health, sanity and temperature stats based on the previous percent. Warly's spices and other buffs are completely applied. They will also decline dangerous or spoiled food (Monster Lasagna, Taffy and such), or if the food isn't part of the character diet unless they find no issue eating it (WX-78 for spoiled food or Webber with monster food).

Friend in a Candy.png Sharing with Followers

With her special Candy Wrappers recipe, Wirlywings can cook a variety of special Candies for her followers to grand them special combat and utility buffs. She starts without any wrapper which can be expensive to make but crafting them is a permanent upgrade to her kit since they can be recycled using the 3 Wrapper Bits which are re-obtained after using candies.

Wirlywings can also craft her Lunch Box, a portable container that only her can use to store prepared food and Candies, she can "Give to a Follower" the selected foods inside to distribute it from distance with a smart filtering aiming to give the food buffs to the followers that don't have them or need healing.

Lantern Big.png Friend of the Cherry Forest

Cherryling wave.png See also: Forest's Reputation
She will start at the Cherry Stone within the Cherry Forest instead of the Florid Postern. Given she was already around a while, the entire Cherry Forest will be revealed on the map. Players that plays her first will have 50% reputation instead of the usual 30%.

Wetness Meter.png Pretty Hood

Wirlywings wears a hood that looks like a Cherryling, despite being fashionable from where she's from, it makes speaking quite difficult sometimes but also provides 50% resistance against wetness.


While having friends is made easier, keeping and making them will be crucial to maintain Wirlywings sanity, she looses 3 times more sanity during dusk and night (-15/min) unless she recently waved at other players. She also looses 15 sanity if a follower dies or 10 if she hits her friends.

Mr. Skitts will also try to scare Wirlywings while she's alone with less than half of her sanity. This can be prevented by keeping distance with him, having followers other than a critter, mounting a Beefalo or if she was recently reassured by waving players. If scared, she will loose 10 sanity and drop her hand equipped item.

Insight.pngSkill Tree

Wirlywings Skill Tree - like Wormwood's one, is shaped differently. There is 8 differents available skills at the start (in the "eyes" of the backgroudn cherryling), but only 2 leads to the rest of the skill tree. All of the bottom skills can be unlocked by starting from one side or another.

Trusty Friends.png Trusty Friends

Befriended Pigs will no longer eat food laying on the ground and Beardlords insanity aura will no longer affect Wirlywings. It can be unlocked with Insight under any conditions.

Generous Friends.png Generous Friends

Befriended Catcoons have an updated loot table for the gifts they can spit and Gnarwails will launch loot in the sea every 3 seconds instead of 30 seconds. It can be unlocked with Insight under any conditions.

New loots added to the table
Tier Probability (Individual) Items
1 80% (40%) Cherry.png
2 8% (1%) Cherry Blossom.png
3 3.2% (0.8%) Royal Feather.png Parakeet Feather.png
4 1.76% (0.29%) Red Bloomshroom Bulb.png Green Bloomshroom Bulb.png Blue Bloomshroom Bulb.png
5 1.13% (0.11%) Cherry Double.png Cherry Shrimp.png Rose Hips.png Gooseberries.png
6 0.79% (0.1%) Butterdragon inventory.png Chaffinch.png Catbird.png
7 5.13% (0.86%) Cheerful Blossom.png Cherry Gem.png Wrapper Bits.png

Beefy Friends.png Beefy Friends

Rinding a fully domesticated Beefalo will increase the buff depending on his tendency and Rock Lobsters will leave their defensive stance if Wirlywings wave near them. It can be unlocked with Insight under any conditions.

Beefalo buffs: Ornery get +20% damages (50 -> 60), Rider get +20% base speed (11.2 -> 13.44), Pudgy get +20/min sanity aura (6.25 -> 26.25), Default get nothing.

Grateful Friends.png Grateful Friends

Tallbird hatched from a Tallbird Egg and raised by Wirlywings as a mother will not attack her at sight and repaired Clockwrok will not attack Wirlywings even after leaving the cave and can be waved back to be an ally again. It can be unlocked with Insight under any conditions.

Waving Mastery 1.png Waving Mastery

The first level give to Wirlywings and other waved survivors +5 sanity bonus (15 -> 20). It can be unlocked with Insight under any conditions.

The second level increase the time by 1 day where the sanity loss is at a normal state (1 day -> 2 days). It can be unlocked with Insight under any conditions.

Sharing Is Caring.png Sharing Is Caring

Give 50% more stats from shared foods (50% -> 75% for 1 player , 33% -> 49.5% for 2 players , 25% -> 37.5% for 3 players , ...). It can be unlocked with Insight under any conditions.

Rainforced Hood.png Rainforced Hood

Wirlywings passive Wetness resistance is increased by 20% (50% -> 70%). It can be unlocked with Insight under any conditions.

BFF 1.png BFF

The first level make befriended Cherrylings have their light radius increased by 2 (3 -> 5). It can be unlocked with Insight if Trusty Friends or BFF II have already been unlocked.

The second level make carried items followers (like Chester, Glommer, Friendly Lavae, ...) apply the +5/min sanity bonus from followers and all the followers immune Wirlywings from Mr.Skitts scare effect. It can be unlocked with Insight if BFF I or Friend Frenzy have already been unlocked.

Friend Frenzy.png Friend Frenzy

Wirlwywings can add 5 more follower with the "Say Hi!" action (10 -> 15). It can be unlocked with Insight if BFF II or Reputed II have already been unlocked.

Reputed 1.png Reputed

The first level make you gain 10% more Forest's Reputation points (ex: +5 -> +5.5). It can be unlocked with Insight if Reputed II or Waving Mastery I have already been unlocked.

The second level make you loose 10% less Forest's Reputation points (ex: -3 -> -2.7). It can be unlocked with Insight if Reputed I or Friend Frenzy have already been unlocked.

Sugar Rush.png Sugar Rush

Duration of all distributed candies have their duration doubled (2 min -> 4 min ; 30 sec -> 1 min for Fruity candies). It can be unlocked with Insight if Trusty Friends or BFF I have already been unlocked.

Sour Side.png Sour Side

Spicy Candies also grant 20% speed bonus and Cactii Candies no longer deal riposte damages to allies without a Bramble Husk. It can be unlocked with Insight if Sugar Rush has already been unlocked.

Sweet Tooth.png Sweet Tooth

Fruity Candies give an additional +4 hp/sec (+8 hp/sec -> +12 hp/sec) and Oblivious Candies don't wear off with a hit and give the follower 90% damages resistance. It can be unlocked with Insight if Sugar Rush has already been unlocked.

Crafty Candies.png Crafty Candies

Allow to craft the candies instead of cooking them. It can be unlocked with Insight if Sweet Tooth has already been unlocked.

Candy Wrappers.png
Bloomy Honey.png


Interface arrow right.png
Fruity Candies.png
Fruity Candies.png
Fruity Candies.png
Candy Wrappers.png
Green Cap.png
Blue Cap.png
Interface arrow right.png
Minty Candies.png
Minty Candies.png
Minty Candies.png
Candy Wrappers.png
Cactus Flesh.png
Cactus Flesh.png
Interface arrow right.png
Cacti Candies.png
Cacti Candies.png
Cacti Candies.png
Candy Wrappers.png


Interface arrow right.png
Spicy Sweets.png
Spicy Sweets.png
Spicy Sweets.png
Candy Wrappers.png
Bloomy Honey.png


Interface arrow right.png
Oblivious Candies.png
Oblivious Candies.png
Oblivious Candies.png
Candy Wrappers.png
Milky Whites.png


Interface arrow right.png
Enlightening Fudges.png
Enlightening Fudges.png
Enlightening Fudges.png
Candy Wrappers.png
Nightmare Fuel.png


Interface arrow right.png
Black Hole Bonbon.png
Candy Wrappers.png


Interface arrow right.png
Nasty Taffy.png
Nasty Taffy.png
Nasty Taffy.png

Cherry Picking.png Cherry Picking

Grant an additional 5% chance when chopping a Cherry/Cheerful Tree to get a loot falling from the tree (20%/30%/20%/10%/0% -> 25%/35%/35%/15%/5%). It can be unlocked with Insight if Reputed I or Waving Mastery I have already been unlocked.

Cherry Throwing.png Cherry Throwing

Befriended cherryling can be grabbed and holded in hand. Doing so will empty their inventory and remove their hat. Holded cherryling can be launched, and if hitting a mob, draw his aggro. Doing so make you loose 0.1 Forest's Reputation point. It can be unlocked with Insight if Cherry Picking has already been unlocked.

Lost Prints 1.png Lost Prints

The first level add 2% chance to trigger the apparition of a random bloomprint event near Wirlywings (ex: 7.5% for Royal Mantle Bloomprint -> 9.5% for Royal Mantle Bloomprint). It can be unlocked with Insight if Cherry Picking has already been unlocked.

The second level allow Wilrywings to craft the Geo Scepter Bloomprint. Wirlywings and the Cherrylings/Cherrylime deal an additional 5 Planar Damage while using it. It can be unlocked with Insight if Lost Prints I has already been unlocked.

Budding Leader.png Budding Leader

Unlock the craft of the Bloomycomb and followers under the effect of candies apply 0.2 Poison stacks per differents candy buffs on their attack. It can be unlocked with Insight if Sugar Rush has already been unlocked, have at least 8 skills about friendship and defeated the Hibees Queen.

Unrevealed skill.png ???

Unvailable before the 1.7 update! It can be unlocked with Insight if Cherry Picking has already been unlocked, have 8 skills of your home and defeated the Squittle (unavailable before 1.7).

Prototype.png Tips

  • Pigs and Cherrylings can be found around the Cherry Forest at the start, which can be useful friends to have by her side to avoid being lonely when it's dark and help cutting trees, fight and provide light for free.
  • As she starts on the Cherry Forest and has already explored the whole biome, it is recommanded to take a good look at the available resources to efficiently gather resources, food, prepare a starting equipment and plan to make a properly equipped boat. This can be achieved relatively fast in comfort as the forest as lots of plants and guaranteed sources of gold, silk and more.
    • Other players can help to find a way to the Mainland by the use of Flares or Moonlens and vise-versa.
  • Wirlywings can easily have a nearly permanent sanity regeneration of +10/min by locking a critter with the Plump trait and keeping it fed. After eating Goodies (such as Taffy), critters will keep their current trait, Plump critters will be hungry less often, up to 5 days if they eat their favorite food. This can be extremely useful to fight back the massive sanity loss when it's dark without having any other followers.
  • Chester, Glommer and other similar pets doesn't count toward the sanity buff as they aren't exactly following the player but an item.
  • Lost Print I can be stacked if multple Wirlywings with the skill unlocked gather around.

Filler.png Trivia

  • Wirlywings' voice is played by an ocarina.
  • Certain friendly mobs will wave back at Wirlywings, like the Pig King or Merm King.

Spools.png Skin Sets

Blueprint.png Gallery