Forest's Reputation

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The Forest's Reputation (REP) is a semi-hidden statistic each player has individually. It is affected by actions done within the Cherry Forest, and will mostly alter the Watcher's judgement for the better or the worse depending of the player's reputation tier.

Players reputation goes from 0 to 100(%). Most survivors have a starting reputation of 30% at the exception of Woodie and Wirlywings, entering with 20% and 50% REP respectively. Changing of survivor at the Celestial Portal does not reset the stat after the initial pick so each players stick to their old REP.

Forest Emblem.png Actions

Most actions that increase or decrease Forest's Reputation have a threshold based on how impacting or accessible the action is :

  • This makes it so planting Cherry Trees will increase a player's REP until it is higher than the action threshold.
  • But cutting them down will also no longer decrease REP if the player has exceeded the threshold.

The following actions starting with '!' also take effect outside of the Cherry Forest.

Some actions affect all players when they occur regardless of their location.

Action Reputation Threshold
! Planting a Cheerful Gem.png(all) (unavailable) +10
• Planting a Cherry Gem.png +5 70+
• Cleaning a dirty Watcher.png +3
• Letting a Moleworm.png plant a Cherry Gem.png (all)

! Building a Lilyhouse

! Lilyhouse Perfect Hide & Cherries results (all)

+3 70+
! Learn a Bloomprint.png (all) +1 90+
! LilyhouseNormal Hide & Cherries results (all) +1 70+
Vanity Chest.png Claiming a Beetle Pass rank extra REP +1 80+
! Feeding good food to Dayliling Bud.png +0.5 60+
• Planting a Cherry.png +0.5 50+
! Feeding a Cherryling.png (per item) +0.1 60+
• Planting a Colourfly.png or Butterdragon inventory.png +0.1 70+
! Throwing a Cherryling.png (on hit) as Wirlywings Filter.png(Cherry Throwing skill) -0.1 90+
• Chopping down / burning a Cherry Tree -0.5 70+
! Hitting a Cherryling.png , Dayliling Bud.png , Watcher.png (per attack) -0.5 90+
! Feeding bad food to Dayliling Bud.png -0.5 60+
! Destroying a Lilyhouse -3 70+
• Chopping down / burning a Cheerful Tree -5 80+
! Killing a Cherryling.png -5
! Killing a Dayliling Bud.png , Watcher.png -10

Wirlywings has a 1.2 / 0.8 multiplier in REP gained / removed to control her Forest's Reputation easily. Meanwhile Woodie has reversed multipliers making it harder to manage.

If a follower hits or kills a creature that lowers reputation, their leader will take the blame.

Broken Heart.png Consequences

Watchers are by default neutral-ish to players and will observe them as they do things around. Their reactions tend to hint if they are satisfied or annoyed by doing certain actions and will change of behaviors based on a player's REP tier. Some other minor interactions unrelated to the Watchers will also occur :

  • Under 10% :
    • Cherrylings will run away.
    • Watchers will attack the player on sight using spells and melee attacks.
  • Under 20% :
    • Watchers will attack from relatively far away if they notice a negative action taking place.
  • Under 40% :
    • Watchers will pay attention to the player and follow them in a large perimeter around their Watcher Nest.
    • They will only attack if displeased 3 times while patrolling on the player.
    • Fairyflies will not make light when approached.
  • Over 40% :
    • Cherrylings will wave at the player.
    • Watchers no longer patrol on the player nor fight when displeased unless attacked.
    • Watchers will accept to be used as shelters.
  • Over 60% :
    • Watchers will protect the player when attacked by other creatures.
    • Watchers won't attack the player when hit in case of accidental attacks unless repeated 3 times (still affect REP loss).
  • Over 90% :
    • Watchers will give the player the Broken Heart Bloomprint as a gage of gratitude. They will do so after they notice the player using them as a shelter.
    • Fairyflies will last forever instead of slowly perishing while producing light for that player.

Filler.png Trivia

  • A player's current tier of REP can be figured out by looking at the Watcher's reactions toward them.
  • During the Beetlegale, the Forest's Emblem can be found inside of the Vanity Chest and shows its carrier REP% in the inventory.
  • The most important REP actions to reach 100% more efficiently requires content of the 1.7 update. A fairly large re-balancing on the thresholds will be addressed once this update comes out.
  • The Broken Heart Bloomprint is only given every days as long the Dayliling Bud haven't learned the recipe.
  • Woodie has a lower starting REP and multiplier due to being a lumberjack which tend to cause some trust issues with Watchers. Unlike Wirlywings, a trustworthy acquaintance to most beings of the forest, but she still has to prove herself with the Watchers.