Set Piece

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The Cherry Forest contains Set Pieces like the mainland does but different ones for the most. Some standard Set Pieces my appear at the exception of biomes dependant ones (Swamp, Rocky, etc...), or Chess / Clockworks and any others that are required for the general progression of the game (Suspicious Marbles) will be excluded.

There is also a large set of guaranteed new Set Pieces that may be important to the biome's own progression and other randomised ones.

Daylily Pond

Daylily Pond.png

The Daylily Pond is a required set piece found in one of the Gardens. It consist of a Pond on Grass Turfs with 4 Roads corner. Surrounded by 4 starting Flowers, 3 special Bloom-pots and a potted Daylily, each on a inner corner of roads. One of the Bloom-pot has the only existing Farelily flower inside. You can also find a stump from a Cherry Tree and a Cheerful Tree, a Stone Root, a Gooseberry Bush and 2 Bloomshrooms (red and green).

This set piece is used to free the Dayliling Bud, begin with her progression and to get the bloom-pot Bloomprint after completing a puzzle.

Sleeping Cherryling Lake

Sleeping Cherryling Lake.png

The Sleeping Cherryling Lake is a required set piece found in the Cheerful Village. It consist of a small patch of Grove Turf surrounded by water, where lies a Cherry Tree, 2 Berry Bushes and a Sapling, a Sea Fishing Rod and a sleeping Cherryling. Several other saplings and Stone Roots on the outer edge of the lake can be found.

An unique shoal of Needlenosed Squirts is also located in the lake.

Cherry Stone

Cherry Stone.png

The Cherry Stone is a required set piece found in the other Garden. It consist of the Cherry Stone standing on a patch of Rocky Turf, surrounded by 12 Flowers of the starting specie. Fairyflies also live inside the Cherry Stone.

This set piece is used as the spawn point for Wirlywings and to play Hide & Cherries in a generally clear area.

Moose/Goose Nest

Moose Goose Nest.png

The Moose/Goose Nest is a required set piece found in the Daylily Garden. It consist of some twigs aligned in a circle, indicating the emplacement of a Moose/Goose nest, with a pond right next to it and some Gooseberry Bushes. This is essentially the Cherry Forest version of the mainland Moose/Goose Nest set piece.

While this one is required, there may be other nests found in the back of the Cherry Forest on the randomised set pieces.

Bloomshroom Circle

Bloomshroom Circle.png

The Bloomshroom Circle is a random set piece found in all the Cherry Forest with the exception of the Gardens. It is similar to the classic Mushroom Circle found in the mainland, but are composed with Bloomshrooms instead.

Random Set Pieces

Random Set Pieces are scattered all over the Grove. They contain a variety of plants and structures chosen from a pool with a set of special case scenarios depending of what is inside. They are recognizable by the Garden Turf on the ground or a square shaped Rose Thickets Turf if a Cherry Tree is in the center. If a Pig House is chosen, Roads also appear near it and sometimes Docks if they reach out on water.

They usually allow for fancier landscaping in the biomes as well as offering a lot more resources.