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Wirlywings Portrait.png
Erm... that wasn't in the story?

–Wirlywings, when examining a Cherrift.

The "Cherrifts" are from a seasonal event of Cherry Forest that is brought back yearly on April Fool's day for about a week, first introduced in 2024. The event can also be manually enabled into the game with the Cherrifts configuration in the world settings even outside of the event period.

The event feature a whole new type of Rift spawning into the Constant, the threats they are adding and many new cooking recipes to create powerful tools for each survivors.

When disabled, the event rifts and enemies will disappear, and the various items from it will be put in "limbo", hidden, and cannot be used until it is re-enabled, but they won't be lost.

Cherrift Map.png Portal and Abduction

Cherrift Portals require no specific activation and will passively appear in the world as long as the event is enabled, generally spawning after 5+ days.

Only one Cherrift can exist at a time and will systematically appear in the ocean in a random location where there is space available. This can be far in depth or a few tiles away from the shoreline, but they will never be in contact with land or any ocean features. Cherrifts' icons are visible on the map as soon as they generate and can be seen in undiscovered area.

When spawned, the portal will quickly surround itself with pink cloud-looking turfs, called Abducting Clouds. This create an island that players can reach to visit and interact with the rift.

The turf name refer to its ability to abduct various things laying on them. Items and small creatures will quickly reach for the sky, leaving little time to be picked up before it's too late. Players are also slowed down by 30% while walking on them.

Some items are immune to the abduction :

Cherrifts have 3 growth stages but do not passively grow, nor expires by themselves. Instead, they will grow from the items abducted :

  • They have an "abduction score" going from 0 to 100 per growth state
  • Each item abducted increase the score by 1 or 5 if equippable, divided by the amount of room left in the stack size
    • If the item is a fertilizer, each of its nutrients multiplies the item score by double the nutrient value.
      • For example: a full stack of Guano would have a score of 32.

Upon growing, the Cherrift will expand its Abducting Clouds area, resembling more and more a cherry. It will drop an amount of Prunus Crystalus, its fruits, equivalent to the precedent rift stage (1, 2 then 3). So 6 will drop in total. They will fall from high up in a large radius and may sink in water especially in the first stages, so deploying a few Boats around could occasionally help at catch certain fruits.

But caution: while the cloud spreads (within 10-15 seconds) boats will be kicked backward seconds before the turfs finish to form, and may destroy the boats that couldn't be pushed far enough. It would be best to not anchor boats nearby Cherrifts and prepare a Oar to position to safety, or avoid getting stuck on the island if they are pushed too far in the waters. Boats are best positioned on the left of the "stem" of the cloud.

Once a Cherrift grew 3 times, it will proceed to disappear after leaving its last fruits. Players should leave the cloud fast before all tiles vanish to avoid drowning. A new Cherrift will then spawn within 20 days of the previous one.

Waspite.png Waspites

Walter Portrait.png
This isn't cool anymore!!

–Walter, when examining a Waspite.

While Cherrifts are active, Floaty Hives will attempt to spawn on a random player every 20 days. A larger one will also appear when the portal grows to the next stage. However they will not spawn if another hive is too close (over a screen away) or if everyone is in caves.

Waspites resides in Floaty Hives and will often come in and out of it to guard it. They are hostile Planar enemies that use a piercing ranged attack capable of hitting many enemies at once but unable to carry over long distances. It also knockbacks players by a bit.

After attacking either 2 or 3 times, Waspites will warp to their projectile to repositionnable themselves. Unlike the typical Bees, Waspites cannot be stun from general attacks except their owns.

The projectile will bounce and knock any Waspites and Floaty Hives in its way (but does not damage them directly).

While there are Waspites patrolling outside the hive, it will start dripping Abducting Clouds underneath it. Attacks and projectiles will cause the hive to be pushed away and spread the cloud influence further away, but it does have a max range and the clouds will dissipate behind it. All items abducted will be fed to an active Cherrift if there is one, which can cause it to grow.

When a Floaty Hive is attacked, the abduction effect (not the spread) will be disabled for 3 seconds and items that aren't under the influence of other abductors will fall back on the floor to be picked up, and no longer slow players.

Waspites can also be captured using Bug Nets but this will only work if they are weakened enough, under 30% of their health (150HP). Attempting to catch them while healthy will apply recoil on the player, and they also not be captured if attempted while warping. Capturing Waspites can help skip a fair segment of their fight but they do not offer any loot whatsoever.

Tentacle Spike.png Strategy

Despite their numbers and Planar nature, Waspites can be fought back with a bit of preparation even in early-game.

When a Floaty Hive appear, a first Waspite will come out after a few seconds. Attacking the hive will cause all Waspites to come out and attack, which is not desirable. It is best to deal with them one after another and be efficient about it before more come out.

The Waspite projectile is only deadly because of its ability to knockback and snowball into more attacks as it bounce off the hive or other Waspites, but it can easily be dodged by moving around or behind the target (they have no collision nor melee attack) as the projectile direction is only decided at the start of their attack animation, leaving a good window of time to react and immediately attack them back or catch them.

Also, if a Waspite has attacked 2 times and still hasn't warped, the next attack is sure to do it. Following this last projectile sideways will allow to strike first with enough movement speed or at least waste less time to catch up.

If there are already multiple Waspites outside already: good positioning can lead to an unprecedented advantage as they can now stun each others, canceling their attacks and redirect projectiles away even in plain sight. Focusing on a single Waspite to attack and use it as a shield from others can be tricky, especially because of them warping all around. But it will be better to do so over attacking at random. It is always possible to retreat and wait for them to come back into their hives for a better encounter.

Prunus Crystalus.png Cooking

Warly Portrait.png
Goodness! I must try this in the pot!

–Warly, when examining a Prunus Crystalus.

Same as all other Rifts, the goal is to return from them with new crafting materials to build powerful equipments from a certain forge.

Although this time it is done by cooking the Prunus Crystalus obtained into Crock Pots and following the favorite recipe of a character to result in an item unique to them.

Certain characters have no favorite recipe but rather ingredients, which have to be used instead, or certain other specificities that can easily be followed.

Wilson Portrait.pngWillow Portrait.png Crystalized Flame

Come on. I don't even like torches that much.


The Crystalized Flame is the Cherrift item of Wilson but also Willow. It's a Torch formed with 2 intertwined crystals holding a Friendly Fire flame. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of Bacon & Eggs. It has infinite durability.

Example of recipe :

Tallbird Egg.png
Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Crystalized Flame.png
At least 1.0 Meat, no Veggie

The Crystalized Flame is used as a regular torch, but applies Friendly Fire instead of the regular Fire. This fire won't burn the objects or mobs it is applied on nor spread, making a good way to create large light sources by lighting trees or enemies without consuming anything.

The flame still produce heat, and mobs on fire will also drop cooked food loot, but won't turn anything to ashes.

It is affected by Wilson and Willow Skill Trees.

Wolfgang Portrait.png Crystaltère

Wolfgang has muscles in head too!


The Crystaltère is the Cherrift item of Wolfgang. It's a Dumbbell made of what looks like 2 Prunus Crystalus tied together by their stem. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus and a Potato or Cooked Potato in a Crock Pot. It has infinite durability.

Example of recipe :

Potato Cooked.png
Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png

It has the same power than a Gembell (5 Mightiness point per lift), but also regenerate 2 sanity per lift and deal the same amount of damage than a Golden Dumbbell. It is affected by Wolfgang Skill Tree.

Wendy Portrait.png Revie-gorant

I won't loose you again.


The Revie-gorant is the Cherrift item of Wendy. It's a big cristalline jar with a Life Giving Amulet emblem on it. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of a Banana Pop.

Example of recipe :

Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png

This Ghostly Elixir can be used on Abigail or her flower to put her back at level 3 instantly and regenerate her health to half (300HP), it can only be used if Abigail benefits from it, so either leveling up or under half HPs.

WX-78 Portrait.png Flux Circuit



The Flux Circuit is the Cherrift item of WX-78. It's a small purple Circuit with pointy ends and a cherry drawn on it. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of the Butter Muffin.

Example of recipe :

Butterfly Wings.png
Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Flux Circuit.png
No Meat

The Flux Circuit require 1 socket and gives nothing by itself. However, each of these devise (by 2, then 3...) the durability loss of any other installed circuits when unplugging as well as preserving an extra charge of WX-78 that would be lost in the process, capable of completely negating it.

It it best installed at the very bottom of the circuit board.

Wickerbottom Portrait.png Riftologie And You

It reads clear!


Riftologie And You is the Cherrift item of Wickerbottom but it can also be read by Maxwell or Wurt to peruse (-33 Sanity). This bright red Book has a Rift-like swirl on the preface. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of Surf' n' Turf. It can be used two times and recharged into the Bookcase.

Example of recipe :

Raw Fish.png
Raw Fish.png
Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Riftologie And You.png
At least 2.5 Meat and 1.5 Fish

When either Lunar or Shadow Rifts are enabled in a world, reading Riftologie And You (R&Y) will instantly create a proper rift right under the reader (for -50 Sanity). If a rift is already present nearby for about 5 screens away, the book will instead grow the closest rift to the next stage if it hasn't reached it yet.

Its first effect will only allow up to 3 rifts in the same world, it is also unable to create Cherrifts which do not count toward the rift limit. It will not consume any durability if it failed to trigger any of its effects.

Another useful side effect from this book is to prevent the natural spawn of rifts as long as one is already in place thank to R&Y.

Woodie Portrait.png Masked Woodman

The possibilities...


The Masked Woodman is the Cherrift item of Woodie. It looks like a carnival mask with pink cristal acting as hairs and beard. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of Honey Nuggets. It has infinite durability.

Example of recipe :

Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Masked Woodman.png
1.5 Meat or less

While equipped, Floaty Hives will never spawn on Woodie, if no other valid player is found then they will simply not spawn. This apply for both the ones spawning every ~20 days while Cherrifts are up or when the portal grows. Waspites will also not attack Woodie while he is around unless they are provoked.

The Masked Woodman also have its own Forest's Reputation, starting at 50%. Woodie can wear it to swap his own Reputation to the mask's one. Any action that affect Reputation is transferred over the Masked Woodman. This can enable an unique playstyle where Woodie can commit all the bad actions that would usually brings lasting consequences in the Cherry Forest while wearing the mask (which will still occur but only while wearing it), and keep his own REP high with no mask on, or the other way around.

Lucy will also avoid to talk while it is equipped.

Wes Portrait.png Pile o' Balloon Hs



The Pile o' Balloon Hs is the Cherrift item of Wes. It is alike the standard Pile o' Balloons but consisting only of red and purple ones. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of Fresh Fruit Crepes which can only be prepared in the Portable Crock Pot.

Example of recipe :

Prunus Crystalus.png
Portable Crock Pot.png
Pile o Balloons H.png
At least 1.5 Fruit (Prunus Crystalus has 1.0 Fruit value)

While in the inventory, Wes will be inflate Balloon Hs from crafting for -5 sanity. There are highly unstable balloons inflated with hydrogen that will explode about 1.5sec after getting attacked. They are cherry-shaped and the stem will burn down like a fuse when the detonation is initiated.

Upon exploding, Balloon Hs deal 50 in a large radius, and will destroy + burn most things around it, they should be used and placed with caution as they can also detonate each others.

Just like Floaty Hives, Balloon Hs are pushed backward when attacked and are immune to Waspites' projectiles, creating a surface for them to bounce against for protection and a trap at the right moment.

Waxwell Portrait.pngWillow Portrait.png Crystop Hat

I mastered this fool magic.


The Crystop Hat is the Cherrift item of Maxwell but also Willow. It looks like a Top Hat made from crystals, alternating between pink and purple. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of Wobster Dinner. It has infinite durability.

Example of recipe :

Wobster DST.png
Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Crystop Hat.png
No Ice

While equipped, the hat adds a new spell called "Crystalline Blast" to the Codex Umbra and Ethereal Embers, casting it deals 15 damage to anything in a large area. One charge consume 5% from the Codex Umbra or 3 Ethereal Embers. The blast damage scale with the Shadow Level the caster has, adding +10 damage per level, Shadow Level scaling also works and is doubled as Willow.

Wigfrid Portrait.png Ballet Cough

Talk all yöu want, I can't hear yöu fröm aböve.


Ballet Cough is the Cherrift item of Wigfrid. It's a purple-ish Battle Call paper with an arrow pointing down drawn on it. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of a Turkey Dinner.

Example of recipe :

Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Ballet Cough.png

The Ballet Cough is an instant effect song, so it costs 16 Inspiration to sing it. When used, it reduce the damage and the speed of mobs near Wigfrid by 25%. The effect lasts until the mob is further than 2.5 tiles from Wigfrid so she should remain near targets. Any new mobs that is not under the effect will not be affected when entering the range, unless Ballet Cough is reused.

Webber Portrait.png Crystalline Switcherdoodle

It tastes... divine!


The Crystalline Switcherdoodle is the Cherrift item of Webber. It's a purple creamy pastry with the shape of a smiling spider, with a flower hat and crystals for eyes. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of Ice Cream. 2 will be made in the process.

Example of recipe :

Electric Milk.png
Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Crystalline Switcherdoodle.png
Crystalline Switcherdoodle.png

When feed to any type of spider, the Crystalline Switcherdoodle will transform it into a Crystalantula.

We made a friend from space!


The Crystalantula have 400 HP and only deal 3 damage. They also apply 1 stack of Hibees Poison, making them very strong when several of them attack the same target to build more poison and extend its duration.

For more information about poison, see Hibeescus.

Crystalantulas also share most of the general Spider loots, at the exception for the silk being replaced by potential Cheerful Blossoms.

Winona Portrait.png Engieologist Goggles

That's more like it!


The Engieologist Goggles are the Cherrift item of Winona. They look like Fashion Goggles but lowered on the character eyes, with a pink structure and lenses. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of Vegetable Stinger. It has infinite durability.

Example of recipe :

Toma Root.png


Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Engieologist Goggles.png
The amount of Veggie required was reduced from 3 to 2 min to make it faisable


Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Engieologist Goggles.png

While equipped, nearby and active Winona's Catapults will gain a buff, dealing an additional 5 Planar damage, the catapult will become slightly purple under the effect and their projectile will look like large Cherry Gems. The effect deactivate if Winona removes the goggles or is further than 4 tiles.

The Engieologist Goggles also protect from Sandstorm and Moonstorm in the same fashion as Desert Goggles but provide no insulation.

Warly Portrait.png Large Ornate Fork

It is, in fact, comically large.


The Large Ornate Fork is the Cherrift item of Warly. It's a finely carved silver fork decorated with gems. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the Portable Crock Pot. It has infinite durability.

Example of recipe :

Prunus Crystalus.png
Portable Crock Pot.png
Large Ornate Fork.png
Anything that doesn't result in Fresh Fruit Crepes

In hand, the Large Ornate Fork works like a Walking Cane, increasing the speed by 25%. In addition, it also deal 5 Planar damage and 10% more damage against Cherrysome creatures (such as Cherrylings or Cherrylimes, Watchers, etc), this is more of a gimmick than anything useful.

More importantly, when eating Meat meals, the slow eating animation will be replaced by the quick one, this can save a fine amount of time in combat for regenerating health will less risk involved, a direct upgrade to the Walking Cane for the most.

Warly cannot cook other survivor's recipe inside of his own Portable Crock Pot (at the exception of Wes recipe requiring it), however he can still use standard Crock Pots to achieve any other survivor recipe.

Wortox Portrait.png Soulmade Hat



The Soulmade Hat is the Cherrift item of Wortox. It looks like the Milkmade Hat but made of pink and purple crystals, with the milk bottle replaced by a container with a soul trapped inside. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in a Crock Pot with a Pomegranate or Sliced Pomegranate. It has infinite durability.

Example of recipe :

Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Soulmade Hat.png

The Soulmade Hat will passively generate a Soul in Wortox's inventory each minute without having to killing mobs, but it will consume some sanity over time and for each soul produced. The hat have a stronger insanity aura and remove 2 sanity points each time a soul is created. The Soulmade Hat create one soul per minute weared.

This allow Wortox to still getting souls during a long boss fight or when doing basics chores at the base.

Wormwood Portrait.png Crystal Core

Safe for work


The Crystal Core is the Cherrift item of Wormwood. It's a sort of necklace made of several pink and purple crystal shards. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in a Crock Pot with Bananas or Cooked Bananas. It has 150HP worth of durability, breaking if it reach 0.

Example of recipe :

Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Crystal Core.png

While equipped, crafting recipes that would damage Wormwood will damage the Crystal Core instead (for example: Telltale Heart, Meat Effigy, Living Log, or the various plants and followers from the skilltree).

Waspite projectiles will also bounce against it, dealing no damage to Wormwood but takes 10 durability away from the core. In addition, Waspites will become neutral to Wormwood with the perk 'Bee Kind' active and the core equipped, unless they or their hive is attacked.

The Crystal Core also triggers various effects when Wormwood fertilize himself based of 3 nutrient values of the fertilizer :

  • +30% movement speed, for double the growth formula value in seconds.
  • Repair the core uses overtime during 10 seconds every 2 seconds, for 20% of the compost value.
  • Repair the core uses instantly, for half of the manure value.

Wurt Portrait.png Aquartzrium

Made pretty house for fishies!


The Aquartzrium is the Cherrift item of Wurt. It's a portable Aquarium of pink glass and inlaid crystals. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in a Crock Pot with Durians. It's a container with 4 slots that can only carry Ocean Fishes.

Example of recipe :

Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png

Fish stored in the Aquartzrium will be transformed into a land fish capable of following Wurt and their container. Anybody can carry it, but only Wurt and open and recover fish from it back into items. Wurt will also benefit from a huge sanity regeneration from land fish when close to them, for up to 50/min per fish, making it incredibly easy to remain at full sanity.

The fish will also restore their freshness in it so they will not suffocate nor be attacked by mob, but they can slow to catch up. The fishes will not swim but they hop onto Boats and scatter around it. The fish will be hanging further away from the Aquartzrium when it is on the floor but attempt to stay close from Wurt when carried.

Splittlefish are especially useful land fish followers as they will spit on any nearby fire to extinguish them. Scorching Sunfish will also produce a bit of light as it would do on the floor as an item but will not propagate fire, however the summer and winter specific fish cannot be used to warm up or cool players.

Walter Portrait.png Crystalline Rounds

Pew! Pew!


Crystalline Rounds are the Cherrift item of Walter. They are ammo for the Trusty Slingshot, resembling a Prunus Crystalus but with the stem removed. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of Trail Mix. Half a stack (30) will be made in the process.

Example of recipe :

Roasted Birchnut.png
Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Crystalline Rounds.png


No meat, egg, veggie or dairy

When shot, the round will turn into the projectile of a Waspite, meaning it can pierce trough multiple enemies on a short distance, but also bounce on certain surfaces (which could damage other players or Walter himself with extra damage, as he is allergic to bees) and stun the Waspites without damaging them or their Floaty Hives however.

Wanda Portrait.png Everwinding Watch

I can't get it to work... but it works itself.


The Everwinding Watch is the Cherrift item of Wanda. It's a square carmine pocket watch with purple crystals on the crown. It is made by adding a Prunus Crystalus in the recipe of a standard or bloomy Taffy. The watch can be dismantled while inactive and will return the Prunus Crystalus.

Example of recipe :

Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Everwinding Watch.png

When used, the watch will enter a long winding period for 1 hour and 20 minutes (10 days). During this time, all other watches in the inventory and in the surrounding will refresh twice as fast.

When the effect period ends, the Everwinding Watch will break itself. Other pocket watches can only be under the effect of a single one and does not affect other Everwinding Watches.

On the floor, affected watches will turn slightly purple, this can give an idea of how far the effect reach, to buff other Wanda players or accelerate the cooldown of watches in containers, etc...

Wirlywings Portrait.png Crystal Caramels

Remember to brush your teeth after this one.


The Crystal Caramels is the Cherrift item of Wirlywings. It's a type of Candy for followers in purple and pink wrappers. Unlike most Prunus Crystalus recipe, cooking this one does not require to follow any of Wirlywings favorite recipes, but to add Candy Wrappers in the recipe. 3 will be made in the process.

Example of recipe :

Candy Wrappers.png
Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Caramel Crystals.png
Caramel Crystals.png
Caramel Crystals.png

When fed to a follower (which can be done as any character), Wrapper Bits will be returned and the follower will now have permanent Planar Entity Protection and +5 Planar Damage.

Mobs with the buff can be recognized by the slight purple color they gain from it.

Crock Pot.png Other Recipes

I totally meant to cook this.

–Wilson, when examining Rocky Bites

Two more recipes can be achieved from cooking using a Prunus Crystalus in the Crock Pot. These are more or less considered "failed attempts" at following a specific recipe, but their stats aren't the worst considering their spoilage time. Rift Manti is more useful for healing and Rocky Bites more for sanity.

Rift Manti is achieved by doing any non-successful recipe but with meat in the recipe, otherwise, Rocky Bites will come out.

Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Rift Manti.png
Prunus Crystalus.png
Crock Pot.png
Rocky Bites.png
No meat

Filler.png Trivia

  • The concept of "Cherrifts" was a running gag between developers, now promoted into a playable joke. They are an anomalie in the Cherry Forest lore as hinted by Wirlywings so none of this is cannon.

  • The decisions behind what item was going to be made for each character were very random. Some more suitable because of their playstyle, or personality, or downright comical and nothing else so no strong balance was to be expected, although they can only be accessed if players have the event running meaning Waspites must be dealt with.

  • Cherrift Portals may grow in size passively if Abducting Clouds aren't too far from players because of birds landing on them being fed to the portal.

  • Since Waspites can be captured and that their hives can be moved around, it's possible to exploit their hostile behavior against other creatures.

  • It's also possible to use Floaty Hives to create bridges over water as long as one Waspite is outside, but mind not breaking it.

  • Abducting Clouds will not form over Docks, Ice or any other temporary tiles.

  • Docks can also be deployed and connected to Abducting Clouds as long as this is done in Coastal waters. They will remain even if the cloud turfs disappear later, allowing to create fully floating dock platforms.

  • Wolfgang, Wendy and Wigfrid item names are French puns.