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The Beetlegale is a seasonal event that is brought back yearly around spring starting in the middle of April to June.

The event playability resides around a bug catching / hunting job to apply for to counter an invasion of new insects carried to the Cherry Forest by the petal-y gale. Helping out offers two different programs to gain rewards from :

  • The Beetle Pass with skins, claimable items and extra Forest's Reputation that is shared across worlds.
    • Gained by completing specific tasks.
  • Beetlegale Coins to spend on more specialized hunting tools and other prizes in the event shop.
    • Gained by completing trials or killing certain bugs.

The event can also be manually enabled into the game with the Beetlegale configuration in the world settings even outside of the event period.

Bug Royal Duster.png Event Exclusive Bugs

A set of 19 new insects will be found across the Cherry Forest in great quantities. The ones found depend of their rarity and other requirements including the hour, season, weather or surroundings. All can be caught with Bug Nets and event tools, stackable by 20 and fed in the inventory.

Rarity Requirements Loot Notes
px Greetle Common Autumn, Spring, Summer (Sunny) (Phelgm.png17% , Beetlegale Coin.png83%) Dies when stepped on

Stinks on kill (-5 sanity)

px Purtle Common Autumn, Spring, Summer (Sunny) (Wet Goop.png17% , Beetlegale Coin.png83%) Dies when stepped on

Stinks on kill (-5 sanity)

px Pearoach Rare Autumn, Spring, Summer (Sunny) (Royal Feather.png17% , Beetlegale Coin.png83%) Dies when stepped on

Very fast, Swift

px Ladybug Uncommon Day (Sunny)

Spring, Summer

(Fairyflies.png37% , Fireflies.png63%) May spawn with a hat
px Golden Beetle Very Rare Night Gold Nugget.png2-3 Dies when stepped on

Extremely fast, Swift

px Autumn Argus Uncommon Day (Sunny)


(Butterfly Wings.png96% , Orange Gem.png4%)
px Winter Wings Common Day, Dusk


(Butterfly Wings.png96% , Blue Gem.png4%)
px Spring Skipper Uncommon Day, Dusk


On Evergreens

(Butterfly Wings.png96% , Green Gem.png4%) Lands on trees only
px Summer Swallowtail Uncommon Day (Sunny)


(Butterfly Wings.png96% , Yellow Gem.png4%)
px Royal Duster Very Rare Day, Dusk (Sunny)

Autumn, Summer

(Butterfly Wings.png2% , Butter.png98%) Very fast


px Dawnsky Moth Rare Dusk, Night


Near Tree Stumps

(Butterfly Wings.png80% , Collected Dust.png20%) Lands on tree only
px Radiant Moth Very Rare Night (Sunny)


Near Birchnut Trees

(Butterfly Wings.png20% , Collected Dust.png80%) Makes light
px Springada Common Day, Dusk


On Cherry Trees, Birchnut Trees

(Cut Reeds.png37% , Beetlegale Coin.png63%) Stops singing when near
px Grasscada Common Day (Sunny)


On Grass (unpicked)

(Cut Grass.png37% , Beetlegale Coin.png63%) Stops singing when very close

Can spawn on withered grass and refresh it

px Sneakada Uncommon Dusk


On Cherry Trees

(Twigs.png37% , Beetlegale Coin.png63%) Stops singing even from far
px Fire Needle Common Day (Sunny)


Near Flowers

(Stinger.png50% , Fire Nettle Fronds.png50%) Hostile

Gives the Fire Needle effect

px Mossquito Uncommon Dusk, Night (Rainy)


Mosquito Sack.png50% Hostile

Blast mucus when killed

Also explode when attacking

px Quartz Shell Uncommon Day, Night (Rainy)

Autumn, Spring

Broken Shell.png , Cherry Gem.png25%
px Ice Shell Rare Day, Night


Ice.png, Blue Gem.png25%

These and the other insects found in the Cherry Forest and even the mainland insects have a chance to be required during Beetlegale Trials if their seasonal requirements are met when it is started. The only insects that won't be ever asked during trials are all Fireflies, Fairyflies, Colorflies, and Bulbous Lightbugs.

Beetlegale Coin.png Shop

While the Beetlegale is active, one of the Watchers will be hosting a shop, it can be heard from afar ringing a bell and has a flowery pink body. It cannot be attacked and will not move from its Watcher Nest. Players will have to trade Cherry Gems and Beetlegale Coins in order to start trials, progress in the Beetle Pass, buy better tools and other prizes :

Cost Notes
px Beetlegale Trial Cherry Gem.png Read to start a trial :

2 days 5 different bugs Gives Beetlegale Coin.pngx40 on completion

px Fast Trial Cherry Gem.png Read to start a trial :

1 day 4 different bugs Gives Beetlegale Coin.pngx60 on completion

px Expert Trial Cherry Gem.png Read to start a trial :

3 days 6 different rarer bugs Gives Beetlegale Coin.pngx80 on completion

px Task Board Cherry Gem.png Gives 3 new Beetle Pass tasks

Replaces old ones

px Debugging Tool Beetlegale Coin.pngx12 Makes more and more sound when a trial bug is nearby
px Geode Paving Beetlegale Coin.pngx12
px Garland Beetlegale Coin.pngx12
px Cherry Blossom Beetlegale Coin.pngx12
px Cheerful Blossom Beetlegale Coin.pngx24
px Pretty Parasol Beetlegale Coin.pngx24
px Stone Net Beetlegale Coin.pngx24 5 times more durable than a normal net

10% slower movement speed

px Light-Light Net Beetlegale Coin.pngx24 Last 12 minutes while equipped

10% faster move speed Makes light

px Ivy Net Beetlegale Coin.pngx24 Last 6 days

Increases range to catch swift bugs from further away

px Flytrap Beetlegale Coin.pngx24 Catch bugs on the floor, 17 uses

Bugs that starve inside repairs the trap

px Cherry Cap Beetlegale Coin.pngx24, Cherrycap.png Fully repairs a Cherry Cap
px Bug Bag Beetlegale Coin.pngx24 Contains the Beetle Pass & Collection screens

14 slots backpack for bugs and tools Can store bugs in the collection for later

px Floral Shirt Beetlegale Coin.pngx36
px Coin Pouch Beetlegale Coin.pngx36 9 slots portable container to store currencies

(Beetlegale Coins, Prize Tickets, Lucky Gold Nuggets...)

px Quartz Shell Ocarina Beetlegale Coin.pngx36 Starts and stops rain, 8 uses
px Ice Shell Shell Beetlegale Coin.pngx48 Similar to a Snurtle Shell

Makes player slippery when moving

px Beekeeper Hat Beetlegale Coin.pngx36
px Wild Rose Bush Sapling Beetlegale Coin.pngx60
px Gooseberry Bush Sapling Beetlegale Coin.pngx60
px Cheerful Adornment (Winter Wings) Beetlegale Coin.pngx60 To place on the Winter's Feast Tree
px Cheerful Adornment (Ice Shell) Beetlegale Coin.pngx60 To place on the Winter's Feast Tree
px Beetlegale Bell Gold Nugget.pngx3, Cherry Gem.png Can be given to another Watcher to move the shop location

Beetlegale Trial.png Trials

The 3 different Trials lists are acquired from the event shop. In the inventory, a trial list first have the "Start Trial" action, doing so whenever desired will start its hunting event and timer. The list will be shown on screen and can be closed / re-opened by click again in the inventory list.

Usage :

The list shows the bugs required in their desired amounts to complete the trial and gain Beetlegale Coins once fulfilled, the list is updated when a valid insect is caught. Obviously, only freshly captured bugs counts toward progression.

Lists are consumed when the timer ends or on completion. Multiple trials can be done at the same time as since their timer is individual and shows on the item. Catching a bug that is required in two different trials also count toward all lists but all lists will likely not share all the same bugs

All Trials :

The default Beetlegale Trial lasts 2 days when started, requires 5 different bugs (in various quantities based on their rarity) and awards 40 coins on completion. The Fast Trial last a single day and requires 4 bugs with the same rules, 60 coins are awarded on completion. The Expert Trial last 3 days and 6 bugs will be needed, the last bugs of the list will be in general much rarer than other trials but awards 80 coins.

Vanity Chest.png Beetle Pass

Once the Bug Bag is acquired, it can be used in the inventory to access the Beetle Pass screen. Essentially, this behaves like a standard Battle Pass in the general term where players can complete specific goals in order to gain exclusive things. This works similarly and it is all free as well as being available all time even outside of the Beetlegale period, and continued on any servers when enabling the event manually.

The Track :

The track of reward is 50 ranks long and can be completed with given tasks to gain XP, filling petals of a flower used as a meter until it blooms, allowing to click on it to rank up and gain the first reward currently visible on the track. The reward will be detailed on ranking and added to the chest of the BP screen which can be clicked to visualise all items, skins, and bonuses. The XP requirement increase at every rank from 24 to 150.

A Beetlegale exclusive Belonging (item / structure skins) is usually obtained every 5 ranks. Items or bonus forest's Reputation will be gained in between.

Rewards & Skins :

In total the tracks offers 11 skins, 520 Beetlegale Coins, 5 Cherry Gems, 5 Cherry Blossoms, 20 Floral Hedges, 1 Cherryling Fountain Sketch, 1 Fast Trial, 1 Expert Trial and +18% Forest's Reputation.

Vanity Chest :

Claiming rewards is done by finding the Vanity Chest which spawns on one of the Watcher's Nest if the Beetlegale is active and stays there. It burst a rank worth of loot when opened for each unclaimed rank, this can be done on each server to get back all previously earned items, skins are of course kept forever and +1 Reputation is earned per rank that gives the bonus. Each player can open the chest to get their rewards and can be opened again to get the rest of the unclaimed rewards for future earned ranks.

The first time the Vanity Chest is opened, it will loot the Forest Emblem, an irreplaceable item that shows the current Forest's reputation of the player while carrying using its %.

Task Board.png Tasks

Tasks for progressing trough the Beetle Pass track are acquired and refreshed using Task Boards available at the shop. Some tasks are harder than others and award varying XP. 3 tasks can be active at the same time and are only completed upon clicking on the check mark when a goal is reached :

  • WANTED : Find and capture a specific bug. (30-150XP)
  • Beetlegone : Catch 3 different species of beetles. (60XP)
  • Buttergale : Catch 6 different species of butterflies. (90XP)
  • The Quota : Catch 10 Beetlegale's specific bugs. (60XP)
  • Prized Catch : Capture 3 bugs that are at least rare. (120XP)
  • Cherished Catch : Capture 3 very rare bugs. (210XP)
  • Bounty List : Complete a specific trial. (90XP)
  • Bounty Hunter : Complete 3 Beetlegale Trials. (210XP)
  • Bug Net-Work : Catch 3 uncommon or rarer bugs with a specific net of the shop. (30XP)
  • Cherry Picking : Capture 5 bugs that are found on trees. (90XP)
  • Cap-tivity : Cap-ture 5 bugs by using the Cherrycap. (30XP)
  • The Plan : Capture 5 bugs using traps. (30XP)
  • Bee Prepared : Catch 5 hostile bugs. (30XP)
  • Smooth Hunter : Catch 5 swift bugs without missing any in a row. (120XP)
  • Seasoned Hunter : Catch 10 bugs that can only be caught during a specific season. (120XP)
  • Nocturnal Hunter : Catch 3 bugs usually found at night. (60XP)
  • Snailed It : Catch 3 bugs usually found on rainy days. (60XP)

Bug Bag.png Bug Collection

The other tab of the Bug Bag is a collection of bugs which completes itself by catching them, each bug has its own page with their details and personal statistics. As bugs can be added to the collections, players can store bugs they caught and take them back whenever desired which works across worlds as long the collection is available.

Quotes signed "-C" are also found at the bottom of each page, these notes are left by the Floral Merchant, Carla, an upcoming NPC of the 1.7 update and a bug enthusiast. Some may help at figuring out tactics to catch the hinted bug and others are her childhood memories.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Certain bugs are trickier than others to catch. Teamwork is generally a good solution to catch quick bugs that runs away, but using Flytraps helps in singleplayer, but frequent pauses will be needed to avoid it from breaking by letting a trapped bug starve inside it to repair the trap.
  • "Swift" is a property Butterdragons, Pearoches and other bugs have which means they will manage to escape a capture attempt if they moved too far away from the player, figuring out their busy times while they move or rest is essential as even the Cherrycap may fail to catch them.
  • The Debugging Tool available at the shop is extremely useful to find the required bugs during trials even outside of the screen and intensifies when getting closer to its target.
  • Bugs listed in trials are assured to spawn at multiple occasions but still need to be found based on their spawn requirements or locations.
    • They will always match the season but do make sure to not start the trial when the season is about to end.
  • Killing certain bugs manually to earn coins can help at passing the first trials more easily after buying some gears.
    • Also bugs required during trials are kept to earn more from the hunt.
  • The Ice Shell Shell is a fun armor to wear but it may also help to attack and catch Swift bugs as it won't stop movement while catching bugs or doing other actions in general.

Filler.png Trivia

  • Bugs of the Beetlegale despawn when there is no players around them unless they have been captured.
  • Most beetles will be squashed if players step on them intentionally to get early coins or by mistake but this property is also removed once caught.
  • Fruit Flies can be caught with Bug Net with Cherry Forest, they may be required during summer in the Expert Trial, as they spawn from rotten Rose Hips in this season, or obtained from crops and their lord.
  • The Quartz Shell Ocarina plays similar notes than the "Song of Storms" from Zelda Ocarina of Time.
  • Only naturally spawned bugs count toward the tasks and trials progression when first caught.
  • The Cherryling Figure is a remake of the old fountain found instead of the Cherry Stone in the early versions of Cherry Forest.
    • This sculpture's sketch cannot be renewed at the time and obtained only once per players reaching the rank 18.

Mosquito.png Known Bugs (like, problems)

  • The blue clock that shows the remaining time to complete Trials may be unsynchronized from the actual time left which seems to be due to a game bug. To avoid confusion, it would be advised to note when a Trial is started by the clock time as it will precisely last for the expected duration (as long non host-players disconnect with them in the inventory).